View Full Version : The Tornador: my initial impressions

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Eliot Ness
02-13-2007, 01:16 AM
About a month or two back Autopia sponsor Danase started selling the Tornador (http://www.danase.com/toclto.html). You really need to click on that link and watch the short video to get a basic idea of what it is and how it works. When I first saw that little video clip I was fascinated by this tool and started thinking of uses I might be able to find for it.

After e-mailing Bob at Danase and asking several questions I decided to give one of these guys a try. I really didn’t want it as much for interior work as I did for some other areas such as keeping up with the engine compartment on my street rod. I really didn’t get a chance to try it out very much before the weather turned really cold, but here are my initial thoughts after using the Tornador for a short period of time.

First off you need an air compressor to run one of these. It will operate in the range of about 60 – 90 psi and at 90 psi requires 5.74 cfm. I used my 25 gallon 5.5 hp Craftsman air compressor with this and it had no problems keeping up with the light air demands of the Tornador.

The only thing I have used in it so far is the cleaning solution (Enzyme Super Concentrate Formula (http://www.danase.com/totucl2oz.html)) that is designed for it. I tried this out on a variety of things ranging from wheels, engine, interior (dash, etc.), and floor mats (just spot cleaning). The Tornador seems to atomize the cleaning solution very well so you`re not getting the surfaces as wet as you might think. Also, with higher PSI`s the spray is more forceful and I`ll assume a bit more is applied. I`d say that a lower PSI is useful If you`re working on a more delicate surface (or around electronic buttons/switches) and don`t want to force as much spray onto that area. One quart of the solution also seems like it will last quite some time.

The instructions that come with it are a bit sparse, but I get the impression that this was designed more for interiors than anything else, but I wanted to use it on a variety of areas so that is what I did. The cleaning solution is not the most powerful stuff I`ve used, but if you remember that it was made for interior work you can understand they didn`t want to supply something too harsh.

It was great to clean the dash area because it was both a cleaner and a duster. Used with a MF it can clean some dirtier surfaces just fine, but it won`t be able to blast away years worth of grime from a neglected door jamb w/o some assistance and wiping with a MF. After you spray the solution you need to develop a system of wiping with a MF and drying with the air only function. That is a system I haven`t mastered yet, but it isn`t difficult at all. I did clean around my power window/door lock buttons w/o having any problems. It was also great cleaning the air vents. I have noticed the areas of my dash that I cleaned have repelled dust a lot longer than usual.

I had some small spots of salt that got tracked onto my floor mats from the day before and this little guy made short work of them.

I also tried cleaning my wheels, but the brake dust was a bit more than this could handle on the front wheels. My front pads really dust up a lot so I wasn`t expecting this to blast it all away. On my rear wheels it did a pretty good job. I wound up just cleaning my front wheels with ONR and a wheel brush, but the air only function came in handy to help dry the wheels, tires, and blow out the water that gets trapped. I think a solution of ONR or QEW would work better on wheels, but I haven`t had time to try that yet.

I also tried it out on a few spots in the engine compartment of my street rod and since it wasn`t that grungy it worked pretty well. I basically did my chrome air cleaner, a valve cover, and a few other spots. The solution can get into areas you can`t normally reach and the air also helps to dry those places too. This is not a tool to use for cleaning a neglected engine compartment, but it can come in quite handy if you normally keep your engine clean and just need to do some light cleaning.

Just like the video you will notice some dirt gets inside the cleaning end of the tool, where I`m guessing the air/solution blows some dirt back into it during use. But also, just like in the video, just sticking it into a bucket (mine had ONR in it) and giving it a couple of trigger pulls cleans it right up.

I really need to use this more so I can do a better review, but since there is so little info out there on this tool I thought my first impressions might be helpful to someone. It didn’t really do anything that I couldn’t do by hand, but it did make some cleaning tasks faster and easier.

I don’t have any pictures but here is a web site that talks about it and also has some short videos of it in use:

Review: Tornador Gun Z-010 - Forodetalles (http://www.forodetalles.com/foro/discusion-sobre-productos/2274-review-tornador-gun-z-010-a.html?highlight=tornador)

That is a foreign site but you can use Google to translate it if you want.

02-13-2007, 01:56 AM
Thanks for the review. I have been curious about this tool for a while but no one had used it. I never thought to use it on wheels but it would work great on one of my clients who barely drives his truck. Not to mention how much quicker an interior detail would be. Thanks again on the write up, I would like to here more about this once you use it more and get more comfortable.

02-13-2007, 03:54 AM
Nice to see works from ForoDetalles in Autopia. Top Site. :cool:

02-13-2007, 04:02 AM
Top site and top people !!

02-13-2007, 04:23 AM
Eliot, always keep the little trumpet as clean as possible (even protected), because dust and dirt can destroy its inner surface very quickly.

02-13-2007, 05:12 AM
Wonder how it works with a standard APC/Degreaser?

02-13-2007, 10:19 AM
That looks like a cool tool. Once I get a compressor, I may have to give one a shot.

Eliot Ness
02-14-2007, 09:26 PM
Eliot, always keep the little trumpet as clean as possible (even protected), because dust and dirt can destroy its inner surface very quickly.Thanks Bence, that`s a good point that I hadn`t really thought about.
Wonder how it works with a standard APC/Degreaser?Anything that doesn`t foam too much should work OK. I would be cautious about using anything too strong that might damage the plastic parts. I really think ONR or QEW would work great in the Tornador, but it`s just too darn cold to mess with right now.

A couple of things I`d like to see (hint, hint Bob) is the cleaning solution in a larger quantity than the little packets and also spare jars that hold the solution. Spare jars would make it easier to switch between cleaning solutions. I recently ordered a quart size jar for my foam gun that currently has a 1/2 gallon jar. After I placed the order I started thinking that the jar might also work with the Tornador, but the opening is a different size. The Tornador does come with a lid for the jar so you can keep it sealed up if needed.

One point I forgot to add in my original post is that I really enjoyed using the Tornador and look forward to some warmer weather so I can play around with it some more. Hey, it`s a power tool of sorts that runs off of an air compressor so what`s not to like ;)

02-14-2007, 11:23 PM
Thanks Bence, that`s a good point that I hadn`t really thought about.Anything that doesn`t foam too much should work OK. I would be cautious about using anything too strong that might damage the plastic parts. I really think ONR or QEW would work great in the Tornador, but it`s just too darn cold to mess with right now.

I think Meg`s APC+ might work good, as it has multiple dilution ratios and is low foaming. I`ll try it out eventually :up

02-15-2007, 09:26 AM
A couple of things I`d like to see (hint, hint Bob) is the cleaning solution in a larger quantity than the little packets and also spare jars that hold the solution.

I left myself a note to take care of this tonight Eliot Ness. I will set up some kind of quantity buy for them. They come shipped 6 per pack so I could do a 6 pack, 12 pack, or something along those lines the easiest. PM me your thoughts on that when you get a chance.

As for the extra containers, I will see what I can do with that as well.

02-15-2007, 10:25 AM
The extra containers would be nice. I just had one delivered from Danase but it has been too cold to try out. But I can see a use for extra containers with lids. Please let us know if and when these become availble.

04-04-2007, 06:24 PM
Hello guys!

I´m so glad that my intensive review of the Tornador for the Spanish detailing community has also been usefull in the States ;) Took me long time to write it! (Review: Tornador Gun Z-010 - Forodetalles (http://www.forodetalles.com/foro/discusion-sobre-productos/2274-review-tornador-gun-z-010-a.html?highlight=tornador))

The advantages of the Tornador are stunning, for me the word to describe it is "versatility", because it´s usefull in the engine bay, in the door jambs, in the fabric, in the crevices after polishing...

Give it a try guys, you wont be disappointed!

04-10-2007, 07:11 AM
Hello guys!

I´m so glad that my intensive review of the Tornador for the Spanish detailing community has also been usefull in the States ;) Took me long time to write it! (Review: Tornador Gun Z-010 - Forodetalles (http://www.forodetalles.com/foro/discusion-sobre-productos/2274-review-tornador-gun-z-010-a.html?highlight=tornador))

The advantages of the Tornador are stunning, for me the word to describe it is "versatility", because it´s usefull in the engine bay, in the door jambs, in the fabric, in the crevices after polishing...

Give it a try guys, you wont be disappointed!

Thanks for the review!

I agree with you...VERSATILE. Instead of using a number of tools you just have one now. It has really cut my interior clean time in half!

04-10-2007, 08:19 AM
Dang that looks like a good tool.

04-14-2007, 06:54 PM
Down the road, I am going to get one of these to do some cleaning work. Heck, I might test it in the house to see what it can do.