View Full Version : Hi From D-Town

04-30-2005, 01:01 AM
Hey guys, i`m a newB from detroit. i have a BLK mazda 6 in need of some help. i have a pretty good scratch on the hood from my neighbor sitting on the hood and the paint is nothing but swirles. thanks to the great weather and my lack of money i have not been able to give the car the treatment that it is owed. i hope that you guys can help me to fix and teach me the ways of the pros.

04-30-2005, 11:05 AM
hey, i got family in detroit. but anywho....the best way to learn is to read read read and then ask any questions you have.

Nice to see you and hope to see some pics of your car before and after you start detailing it.


04-30-2005, 06:31 PM
:welcome. You`ll get lots o` help here. :)

04-30-2005, 07:01 PM
Welcome to the site. My best advice would be to read and read and when tired of reading.. read more and maybe try winning the lottery, b/c you gonna need some cash once you start to read and get ideas. Good luck with your car and dont be afraid to ask questions, but do a search then if no results then ask. :bigups :bigups

04-30-2005, 07:27 PM
Welcome to the site. I`m sure you will find everything you need to start your addiction of detailing products here.

04-30-2005, 09:52 PM
welcome, I`m not too far from D town :)

04-30-2005, 10:01 PM
Welcome! This is the best and friendliest site to get help with your detailing questions!!!