View Full Version : DUST on car EVERY DAY hellllp me .....

02-01-2007, 12:07 PM
okay so i use meguiars colorx to wax my car. I live in a very dusty area and it seems like the day after i always get my car dusty and i dont want to wash it is this a good time to use like a quick detailer? or am i better off washing my car? Has anyone used meguiars nxt speed detailer? does it actually shine up the wax and will it remove the colorx? Will using one of these give my car swirls?

02-01-2007, 12:31 PM
If the car has light dust on it I use a California Duster then apply a QD. If you have a Job Lots near you they have a shipment of them for only $7.99. It`s a Great Buy! JoeD

02-01-2007, 01:29 PM
I have a black car that shows every little speck of dust. I QD it about every other day. ANy QD will do, but something like FK1 425 helps to repel the dust better. And make sure you use very plush MF`s, and wipe gently. I haven`t had any problems doing this, sometimes even daily.

02-04-2007, 03:05 PM
I just use the California Duster, works awesome! Cuts down my washing.. Darn black cars :hmph:

02-04-2007, 03:28 PM
I second the Calif. Duster idea. My red car is plagued by dust also and the Calif. Duster makes quick work of it - about a min. for my small car and it looks sharp again. Keep it in your trunk for quick access.

Tip for use - dust gently.

-John C.

02-04-2007, 04:17 PM
i would top colorx with a quality wax to improve slickness/depth/wetness

FK1 425 is a QD that has anti static properties so the car does not get as dusty anymore.

02-04-2007, 11:46 PM
Edit: oops I got kinda confused between ColorX and ScratchX, but I would recomend using a true wax, like Gold Class, #26, or NXT wax.