View Full Version : Process ?`s

01-25-2007, 01:22 PM
I plan on detailing my car very soon. Well, as soon as mother nature lets up a little, and the temps warm up. Ive gathered up a lot of info from this site, and have decided on a few products. Im just wondering if they will work well together. Im THINK i have a pretty good formula going here, but im looking for some reinforcements for my confidence.

Here goes.

Menzerna IP via PC ( will skip this step if i have to)

Menzerna FPII via PC

Klasse AIO via PC

Klasse SG via PC


What do you guys think. Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :bolt

01-25-2007, 01:33 PM
Looks good but I would add a clay step first. Be sure you wait between coats of AIO, SG, and P21S

01-25-2007, 01:49 PM
Oh yeah, i forgot to put that i would wash and clay, and then wash again.

Ok so I should wait about 12 hours in between the AIO, and the SG, and then about the same in between the SG, and P21S? I picked up the second part. I just didnt know about the wait time from AIO to SG.


01-25-2007, 01:50 PM
Yup, you need to clay