View Full Version : Alternatives to HD-Cleanse?

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01-23-2007, 07:49 AM
I`m a noob when at using Zymol and while I do have some HD-Cleanse, I`d like to know about good alternatives that will get the job done.

Also, does anyone have any tips on using HD-Cleanse?

01-23-2007, 07:51 AM
An alternative could be P21S Paintwork Cleansing Lotion

01-23-2007, 09:58 AM
I would suggest Victoria Wax,Lite cleanse.I prefer the appearence to Zymol HD cleanse,it contains a small amount of carnauba,and i find it easier to work with than both Zymol HD cleanse,and SwissVax cleaner fluid.

I am not knocking the other products,as i have used them both for many years,but for me the VW lite cleanse is my number one choice for preparing paint for any carnauba wax,it doesn`t contain any Kapolite,which is in the HD cleanse,so you won`t get potential problems with dusting.

tom p.
01-23-2007, 10:31 AM
An alternative could be P21S Paintwork Cleansing Lotion

yeah, I`ll 2nd that. I think the P21S product is easier to use.

FWIW, I can`t see what would be wrong with using Klasse AIO or even Jeff`s WS PRIME. You may ultimately find superior durability with either of these; Zymol is a very short-lived product.

01-23-2007, 10:39 AM
FWIW, I can`t see what would be wrong with using Klasse AIO or even Jeff`s WS PRIME. You may ultimately find superior durability with either of these; Zymol is a very short-lived product.

Actually, that`s related to another question I have; what sort of products are compatible for use as a base layer under Zymol. I realize it`s supposed to be used over squeaky clean paint, but I can see the advantages to having a durable product underneath it. The only AIO product I have on my shelf is FK1 215. I also have 2180. It may come down to just experiementing to find out of they`ll work.

imported_Dave KG
01-23-2007, 10:47 AM
Tips for using the HD-Cleanse: well, I work on small areas at a time, about 1` square, apply a small amount using a foam applicator, spread around then work in for three or four passes with firm pressure in straight lines. Leave for a minute, then remove residue. Dont let it try, otherwise its a PITA to remove.

01-23-2007, 11:01 AM
Hmmm, another product just came to mind. Would Duragloss 601 Polish Bonding Agent work under Zymol?

Zymol is a very short-lived product.

Perhaps it could be Polycharged?

tom p.
01-23-2007, 12:00 PM
Velo, I hate to have you go out and buy a bunch of stuff you don`t really need. I think there are many products that would clean/prep the surface adequately. The HD-Cleanse is just the product Zymol markets. There`s nothing magical about it, it`s a decent product that can be tough to remove, as noted.

#215 as a base? Probably. I`d sure give it a try to see if it yields satisfactory results.

Another: Jeff`s WS Prime w/carnauba ;) (there are many possibilities!!)

01-23-2007, 12:16 PM
HD Cleanse is not a required step before using Zymol waxes. I have been an avid user of EGZymols, and you can accomplish the required cleaning step with any proven paint cleaner. I was a veteren of the otc cleaners such as Mothers, Megs and Gliptone.

Lately I have been very pleased with Sonus` Paintwork Cleanser, as it provides a very safe clearcoat cleaning b4 the serious polish, while adding just a hint of cutting power (although it is termed as a non abrasive polish). That`s not to say that HD Cleanse isn`t useful. Quite the opposite, I also found that HD Cleanse works well and also is versatile with the pc. I would recommend HD Cleanse as an addition to your polish prep team, but you can also compare and use comparable paint cleaners as an alternative.

01-23-2007, 12:17 PM
..I think there are many products that would clean/prep the surface adequately. The HD-Cleanse is just the product Zymol markets. ..there are many possibilities!!

Yeah, I agree. Way back in the day, Irene at TOL and I spent a while discussing nitty-gritty details of HD Cleanse vs. Pinnacle`s PCL. I ended up going with the PCL but it sounded like she considered the two products to be virtually identical, functionally-speaking. Different ingredients (e.g., clay vs. talc, IIRC) doing the same kinds of work.

01-23-2007, 12:33 PM
Thanks lbls1 and Accumulator. I don`t picture anything being "magic" about HD-Cleanse, which is why I`m considering alternatives when I run out. What I have was included in a purchase from another member here, but Zymol`s price of $24 for 8.5 oz is a little steep for the job that it does. Quite honestly, I`ve considered that I could probably even get away with my using my old bottle of Megs DC Paint Cleaner, but I wondered what other products are tried and true by other members here. I now have Zymol Z3 and Concours, (not to mention everything else I`ve collected!) so I expect to have some fun experimenting this summer. :buffing:

As it is, I just ordered more 2180 and some other FK1 stuff, so I`ll have a fresh protective layer on my recent paint job for the rest of the winter.

01-23-2007, 01:08 PM
Almost all of Zymols products are a tad on the high side (and that`s putting it mildly). Their waxes, of course, are excellent; You can mix and match with other cleaning and prep products without affecting the wax`s performance.

01-23-2007, 02:13 PM
As a lot of other people have noted there are a lot of companies that make a paint cleaner like Sonus, Pinnacle, P21S, Poorboy`s, and many others. There`s nothing really special about Zymol HD-Cleanse, but it does do a nice job IMO.

This being said though, I would stay away from using "all-in-one" type products like Klasse AIO, Duragloss PBA, Poorboy`s PwC or PwS, Optimum Poli-Seal, etc. in conjunction with your Zymol. All of these products not only clean/polish the paint but they also leave behind a layer of protection. In some cases it`s wax and in others it`s a sealant. The remaining layer of protection left by the AIO product will color the results you get with your Zymol.

I`ve experimented in the past with putting a sealant under my Zymol and IMO it detracted from the results. Many of the qualities which set Zymol apart from other waxes like crispness, depth, and color reproduction of reflections were muted if not lost with the sealant underneath IMO.

A lot of people are critical of the durability of wax, but chances are if you`re posting to this board you won`t mind re-applying wax every 4-6 weeks. Do that and you`ll have no problem with protection.

01-23-2007, 02:52 PM
This being said though, I would stay away from using "all-in-one" type products like Klasse AIO, Duragloss PBA, Poorboy`s PwC or PwS, Optimum Poli-Seal, etc. in conjunction with your Zymol. All of these products not only clean/polish the paint but they also leave behind a layer of protection. In some cases it`s wax and in others it`s a sealant. The remaining layer of protection left by the AIO product will color the results you get with your Zymol.

I`ve experimented in the past with putting a sealant under my Zymol and IMO it detracted from the results. Many of the qualities which set Zymol apart from other waxes like crispness, depth, and color reproduction of reflections were muted if not lost with the sealant underneath IMO.

I appreciate this information. Guess I`ll spend the summer enjoying my beauty waxes all by themselves.

A lot of people are critical of the durability of wax, but chances are if you`re posting to this board you won`t mind re-applying wax every 4-6 weeks. Do that and you`ll have no problem with protection.

Of course I don`t. I`m anxious to see how it looks to have 2 or 3 coats of Zymol on my car.

One more question. Will HD-Cleanse or the other cleaners be sufficient to remove the sealant I`m using for winter protection?

OK, make that two more questions. What about spray waxes as a topper? I have AW and I just ordered FX-100 on my FK1 order this morning. Even at a discount rate of a little over $20 at a local sale, I`m not sure how much of an advantage the Zymol spray wax offers over these other products.

01-23-2007, 03:12 PM
I would agree with Mikeyc; I would not add a sealant or any lsp in conjunction with an EGZymol. It would not yield IMO the same depth and potency if EGZ`s are paired with other lsp products. Just a pure polish regimen and then your pure wax.