View Full Version : What do I use first

05-30-2003, 06:52 AM
I recently acquired some 3M Perfect-It III machine glaze. I am planning on doing my son-in laws truck this weekend(if it dont rain) anyway, Do I do DACP first the the 3M glaze first. Supposedly this machine glaze is supposed to remove swirls etc. better than Meg`s 9.

I was planning on this order:

3M Perfect-It III machine glaze
Meg`s 9( if needed)
Klasse AIO

Thanks in advance for you replies

bill g

05-30-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by grisby
I recently acquired some 3M Perfect-It III machine glaze. I am planning on doing my son-in laws truck this weekend(if it dont rain) anyway, Do I do DACP first the the 3M glaze first. Supposedly this machine glaze is supposed to remove swirls etc. better than Meg`s 9.

I was planning on this order:

3M Perfect-It III machine glaze
Meg`s 9( if needed)
Klasse AIO

Thanks in advance for you replies

bill g Bill:
That`s close to my procedure, but I don`t usually have severe swirling.

Meguiar`s #9
Klasse AIO
Platinum UPP
Works good for me.

If you have severe swirling the DACP might be a good idea. I think it will leave the finish ready for AIO if it is used correctly.
Try a small section with #9 first, then go to the DACP if necessary.
The 3M products I am not experienced with. I tried their Imperial Hand Glaze and ended up giving it away.

05-30-2003, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the reply Charles. My son-in--laws truck is a work truck(used in construction-he is a bricklayer) so its gets pretty scratched up in everyday use fromt he dust and mortar/sand thats on the jobsite. I will most likely use the DACP to get the spiderwebbing out as I have used it before with great success.

The 3M glaze, he bought for me because he knew I was getting into the detailing so I figured I would try that out also, but if the DACP does the trick, then I wont use the 3M. Heck maybe I will just try the 3M before the DACP and if it works then I won`t use the DACP. Always trying something!!

Thanks again
bill g

05-30-2003, 11:24 AM
I think you might be confusing the purpose of the 3M glaze compared to the DACP and #9.

It is my understanding that to REMOVE scratches and swirls, #9 is your first choice, if 2 passes of #9 don`t do the trick then go to the more aggresive DACP. You may need to follow the DACP with #9 again as the aggresiveness of the DACP may haze the finish, #9 will take the haze out.

Only then would you use the 3M glaze, ( any glaze ) to fill in any remaining swirls that can`t safely be removed. A glaze is not a swirl mark remover, it is a filler and will eventually wash away. It needs to be followed with a wax or sealer to protect it.

If you use only the 3M, you may think you are removing the swirls when you are only filling them. Try going over a section with an alcohol water solution after and see if the swirls come back.

This is how I understand the process anyway.

Hey, I just realized that I`m a "Full Time Resident" now! Does that mean I have to pay property taxes here now? This is what me shooting my mouth off got me! :-)

05-30-2003, 12:18 PM
biff, I understand what you are saying about the glaze. But somewhere I was told that the Perfect-IT machine glaze does not fill, that it will actually remove the scratches. Its supposed to be somewhere in between DACP and Meg`s 9. Its not like a Megs 7 I am told. I am really familiar with the Meg`s line and the 3M stuff I am just learning what they do(at least I am trying) and of course everyone uses the term "glaze" and they dont necessarily mean the same thing.

I always start with #9 first unless its pretty bad, Hence the DACP on my in son-in-laws truck--his truck is pretty scratched.

Since I got the stuff for free, I might as well play and see what happens

bill g

05-30-2003, 01:06 PM
I just assumed that the machine glaze was similar to the hand glaze which is full of nice oily things. See I learned something else today.

05-30-2003, 01:37 PM
Heck Biff, I`m learning something new everyday in this hobby!! Or better yet, along with learning, I am reading or getting info everyday-just hope its right, if not it gets expensive.

Take it easy

bill g

John Sharp
05-30-2003, 06:02 PM
Hello Grisby.

The 3M Perfect It III machine glaze is great for removing small scratches and minor swirls. I have a little of it in the shop and I like it alot, the only reason I dont use it more is because I have so much of the Meguiars stuff allready in my shop. When the Meguiars runs out I am wanting to use more of the 3M polishes made especially for detailers.

The PIII Machine glaze is good for giving you a high gloss shine when used with a polsihing pad and a real rotary, not a random orbital. I assumed you were using a rotary buffer. If you prefer to use the DACP its good to and with a foam polishing pad it gives a good gloss too. If this was my job I would choose one or the other but not use both. It isnt needed once youve used the 3M PIII to go over it with the DACP. I would instead take extra care to create my high gloss look with a foam polsihing pad andthe 3M and then follow with your wax or sealant.

The #9 is a good polish too on dark colors but if your going with the 3M I probably wouldnt use it either. People talk about how aggressive the DACP is but to me its not very aggressive at all. It leaves a new car shine that is easily waxed over without any extra buffing.

Best wishes and I look forward to hearing the results of your detail job! :)


05-30-2003, 11:43 PM
John, since I joined this group not so long ago, I got a lot of info and bought a lot of stuff. I done 13 cars already, albeit only got paid for one, did all relatives and friends, for the learning experience. And to tell the truth I learned a lot from this site.

I know I wont use the #9 to start due to the finish on son-n-laws vehicle- I find that is ok for minor defects, and I got pretty good to know when to use the DACP with either the yellow or white pads, or not to use the DACP at all. Yes I agree, it is not as agressive as I thought it would be, but it is more aggressive than the #9.

So since got this 3M Perfect It III stuff, and with your post, I am going to use it and I will sure to post the results. Thanks again for the reply and all those who replied. Least now I know I wont have to use the #9. I am like you in the fact that I always used Mg`s products and if I didnt get this stuff from my son-n-law I would never have even bought it. I will be sure to let you know how I make out.

thanks again

bill g