View Full Version : Wife had an accident

01-19-2007, 09:56 PM
So, my wife backed into someone`s car, and put a nice 4-5 inch set of scratchs on my car. One took off paint, the other look like some effort will clean them up. What are my options for the gash (protecting it from getting bigger, covering it up, etc), and how much should i offer the guy for the similar damage on his car? Trying not to be mad at the wife for this one, so i am trying to be constructive. Thanks!!

David Fermani
01-19-2007, 10:24 PM
So, my wife backed into someone`s car, and put a nice 4-5 inch set of scratchs on my car. One took off paint, the other look like some effort will clean them up. What are my options for the gash (protecting it from getting bigger, covering it up, etc), and how much should i offer the guy for the similar damage on his car? Trying not to be mad at the wife for this one, so i am trying to be constructive. Thanks!!

Depending on the damage to the other vehicle`s bumper cover, if it`s repairable, it would probably cost between $300 - $500.

You would have to:

1- remove the cover

2- detrim it

3- repair it

4- paint it

5- re-install it

The gash on either covers won`t get worse if it`s plastic. Touch it up or repair it by repainting it.

01-20-2007, 12:06 AM
I think i made it sound worse then what it is, because it wouldn`t be worth going to those lengths to fix. I had to take a closer look at it before i could even see the full extent of what the scratches did.

01-20-2007, 01:17 PM


5-Star Auto Detailing

01-20-2007, 05:04 PM
As far as the damage to the other car, it`s up to that owner to determine how much you pay him.

Tom :cool:

01-20-2007, 07:43 PM
Technically it is up to him, but if he wants to be unreasonable I am going to just have him call the police. I am working on getting a picture up, i knew someone was going to post that!

David Fermani
01-20-2007, 10:49 PM
As far as the damage to the other car, it`s up to that owner to determine how much you pay him.

No it`s not. Only pay for what`s fair, not what`s the owner says it will cost. Go to 2-3 body shops and get estimates or post some pictures and I`ll try to help you out. If the paint is broken or deeply scratched/gouged what so ever on any of the panels, refinishing is required.

01-21-2007, 10:42 AM
No it`s not. Only pay for what`s fair, not what`s the owner says it will cost. Go to 2-3 body shops and get estimates or post some pictures and I`ll try to help you out. If the paint is broken or deeply scratched/gouged what so ever on any of the panels, refinishing is required.

What I meant is that the owner of the other car should get the estimate and give you the bill. It`s his car and his call about his repair and where the work should be done. He could get real p---y and just turn the whole thing over to his insurance company. If the accident is on private property, it is not a police issue.

This is not all that big of deal. Get your car fixed like you want it done. He should get his car fixd as he wants it done.

Some detail shops do mighty good minor bumper touch ups.

Tom :cool:

David Fermani
01-21-2007, 10:59 AM
Just make sure to get atleast 2-3 estimates and compare them. If 2 of them are between $300-$400 and the other one is $600 and that`s where the person wants to go, you better have some serious doubts and see if someone`s trying to pull a fast one. I`m not saying this is the case with this claim, but I see fraudulent things like this weekly from minor fender benders.