View Full Version : Help with Internet monitoring software

01-17-2007, 09:28 AM
Does anyone know of a piece of software that requires a passowrd to enter in order to access Internet Explorer (or the Internet in general?)

A new computer was setup in my office where the girls never had access to one (they use dummy terminals). So with Internet, they were caught surfing, a big no no with the boss.

He asked me to block access with a password so one girl can use it for work related stuff.

I don`t need the likes of all the features of a Net Nanny or Cyber Patrol, but rather, something simple that just requires a password when accessing the Internet.

Thanks for any help.

Setec Astronomy
01-17-2007, 09:30 AM
How big a network and what OS?

01-17-2007, 10:05 AM
Oh, super simple - one PC stand alone running Win2000 Pro.

No network, no server, etc...

Setec Astronomy
01-17-2007, 10:24 AM
Oh...Windows SBS has a built in firewall app that can be used to control net access. How about the parental control features of one of the security suites? I have never used that part of it, but NIS (Norton Internet Security) has it, although apparently the 2007 version significantly dilutes it. Perhaps McAffee, etc.

01-18-2007, 07:02 PM

I did the same thing for my sisters office. Some of the employees were using office computers to do some online dating.

Anyway, can`t remember the exact steps, but Internet Explorer has a content advisor that allows you to set a password and allow certain kinds of sites or just a few specific sites (what I did)

When Explorer is open go Tools-> Internet Option -> Content Tab

Enable Content advisor

From that dialogue box you will use the Approved Sites tab as well as the General tab to set site names and your password to access sites not in your allowed list.

Ask away if you have any issues, but its usually not to hard to do.

- Andrew

01-18-2007, 09:07 PM
Thanks Andrew. But I`m looking for something as simple as a password when you double click IE to access it.

Only one girl is allowed to use it and she knows I can check to see where she`s been (she`s clueless how to delete her tracks).

This is something to satisfy the boss so he knows nobody else can access the Internet since only one girl will know the password.

01-18-2007, 09:30 PM
Google this:

password protect computer program use

01-18-2007, 09:40 PM
Can you setup a separate account for her to access the `net?

01-18-2007, 09:51 PM
Hmm.. I may not have been clear. You don`t have to allow *any* sites. Once the password is set, IE can still be opened it just won`t access any web page, anywhere, at all. At that point when the user (in your case the one girl who is allowed) types in a web address it will ask for a password before it connects to the site.

The problem with trying to put a password on Internet Explorer is that it is part of the Windows operating system. The same code that IE works off of is used when you browse your hard drive. In fact if you open your "My Computer" icon you can type a web site in the address bar and it will show it to you, just like IE. I think a external password program might create some issues trying to open documents, files etc... from the desktop. Maybe not. Windows can be weird about that kinda stuff sometimes. I really didn`t like any of the "Password Protection" programs I tried out when I was looking around for a solution to a problem similar to yours.

Anyway, I know the Content Advisor seems a little funky but its really not too bad, and I genuinely think it will be your easiest/best/safest option. Let me know if you find something else that works though, I know I`ve got to setup two computers in my office for the same sort of situation in the next couple months (As soon as I stop being lazy and reinstall the OS on those boxes...) Maybe give it a shot though, it only takes about five minutes to setup and can be undone in even less time if you don`t like it. (heh, you have to click the "disable" button and enter your password)

Like I said though, if you find something else that works, shoot me a PM or post it here, I`d love to hear about it. I could really use something like that.

- Andrew

PS Write the password you use down somewhere. (I`m sure you do this anyway) but its not fun to fix if you forget it :)

01-18-2007, 09:54 PM
Oh, okay, I see.

I`ll check out the content advisor tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip.

01-18-2007, 09:59 PM
I found this:

Password protect programs on your computer - Password Door (http://www.toplang.com/passworddoor.htm)

Q: Can I use the Password Door to protect the Internet Explorer or any web browser?

A: Password Door can be used to protect Internet Explorer, or any 3rd party web browser, but it is recommended to use the "Internet Lock" software to protect the web browsers, you can download a free trial on our web site. This is because the Windows system is based on the Internet Explorer, you even can use the Windows Explorer to access web sites, so it is not safe enough to protect only the Internet Explorer by using the Password Door.


Internet Lock - Password protect internet connections and programs (http://www.toplang.com/internetlock.htm)