View Full Version : Ziebart Diamond gloss surprise,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am livid

Gary C
01-11-2007, 03:41 AM
I will try to keep this short.

Ziebart did(installed) my leather interior and did a terrible job on the first try, this was supposed to a 5 hour job but took 2 full days. Anyways when I went to them today to pick up my truck, they surprised me with a Diamond Gloss on the paint for free for the hassle of coming back again. I Flipped out. I have never done any research on their home brew snake oil sealant/er shiny stuff gloss. I have NEVER liked any of this stuff no matter who makes it.:bat

They told me they would take it off but can they? I asked them why wouldn`t they call me and tell me they are doing this, well they said they wanted to surprise me, well they accomplished that. I had to walk away and cool down for about 10 minutes...

I did a search and really didn`t/couldn`t find the horror storys some people were talking about here on this great forum.

So what do I have to look forward tooooo?

Can I still do touch up(chips) over this product?

Has my New 06 Silver Dodge truck become a junkie and needs a fix to get the shine back when the product starts wearing off?

Should or can they remove the product?

Will the finsh start to start to show fine scratches??????

Is there any long term effects?

How would you guys approach this?


01-11-2007, 04:42 AM
how does the paint look ?? did they install any new swirls ?

i doubt the actual product has hurt your paint, dont let them try to take it off, it will go away next time you decide to clay,polish and detail your paint

i think id want to know what happend that they needed your truck two days? surley its just a wipe or spray on protector:confused: you dont think they damaged the truck and needed to do a quickie repair?

Setec Astronomy
01-11-2007, 07:22 AM
Usually these kinds of things are just a paint sealant. As long as they didn`t apply any swirls with the sealant, it should wear off over time, or be removed by IPA or a paint cleaner. The usual objections to these "dealer applied" paint protectants are 1) they are no better than any other product in terms of durability 2) they charge an astronomical price 3) they damage the paint during the "wash" or "prep" before applying it.

Relax and welcome to Autopia! Spend some time here and you will surely feel better.

01-11-2007, 08:32 AM
Currently, three of the vehicles I own have had the Ziebart Diamond Gloss applied, the oldest being a 2004. I have been very satisfied with the product and have it reapplied once per year. Ziebart says that`s all that`s needed but I usually apply wax once or twice a year myself.

01-11-2007, 09:05 AM
At one time their paint sealant was Cyclo.

Gary C
01-11-2007, 09:06 AM
I certainly appreciate the quick responses.

Looking for swirls on Silver is a bit tricky as we all know. I will have to inspect closely again when the sun comes out of the clouds. I must admit it does look shiner BUT when I came out the my friend bar last night(don`t drink) I noticed a silver dollar size circle in the drivers side passengers door and refreaked. Never seen THAT before. Grrr,,,,

It never came to mind the reason for the huge delay was they could have damaged the truck in some way and could have done some quicky repair... I have an excellent eye for finding any repaint. The orange peel is very consistant on this truck.

Our family used to own a Caddy dealership in town and have learned to be able to spot a repair very easily.

I again I appreciate the calming effect you guys have given me, if this was done on one of my old Vipers(us Viper guys are way over the top about this things), things would have been way different. I have settled down in my older age(54) but the point is it should have never been done in the first and these guys here worse than used car salesman on pushing product. Everytime I go in there the WERE trying to push something else on me.

I do get a lot comments on clean my stuff is, just for a little history.

If anyone else has something to add please fire away.


Off to the breakfast club with some local heavy hitters(lawyers)...

01-11-2007, 10:12 AM
Ziebart still around? WOW I thought that product line was dropped long ago.:wow:

Next time you polish will obviously take it off.:buffing:

Never understood dealers taking it upon themselves to alter ones personal property without asking. :grrr

If they did a half-way good job, then I`d just start using what you normally use over it. If they hacked the finish, then a return trip to the dealer is in order and let them know you will be taking it to a body shop to be corrected.

