View Full Version : Maybe we need a product truce...

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01-10-2007, 11:02 AM
No doubt many of us here have experimented with many products and settled on a particular product for each type of activity that we are comfortable with.

Some like JW, some Zaino, some Pinnacle, etc. That`s terrific as I think many of us are passionate about things for good reasons-we have experience and we know what we like.

But at the end of the day it may come down to personal preferences like flavors of ice cream.

Maybe we should be more respectful of other`s opinions when the opinions differ from ours and declare an end to the brand wars.

It just seems like things become heated when something new comes out. The best policy may be to wait, receive the product, test it, and compare with other products. Do a pros and cons analysis and present the information here.

Do you agree this is a better way to go?

I figure the more we know here at Autopia (and knowing comes from testing all products), the better we can narrow our list of products to the best possible.

01-10-2007, 11:08 AM
I agree 100%. Also it would be nice if some of the people that have only used one thing would at least try other products before bashing them and give them an honest try.

Cleaning Fool
01-10-2007, 11:14 AM
I have products that I use and like, however there is also a plethera of other stuff people like. I have no issues with this, use what you like, use whats pleasing to your eye, because in the end, it really doesn`t matter what I think, all that matters is what YOU think...As far as new stuff on the horizon, I always take the approach believe what you see not what you hear.

01-10-2007, 11:16 AM
I like the passion that people have for their fav products. If it stimulates conversation that gives you a feel for the good and the bad and how all that will fit into your process.

Now..the verbal abuse and flaming posts on products simply because one doesnt use them gets rediculous at times.

Any passionate post done with "respect" can be a learning experience. Like at this point and time I do not use Zaino....but..I have learned enough about it through good, solid posts that if I decided to go that way I have a basis to start at. Education is always good.

Eliot Ness
01-10-2007, 11:22 AM
........Maybe we should be more respectful of other`s opinions when the opinions differ from ours and declare an end to the brand wars.

..........The best policy may be to wait, receive the product, test it, and compare with other products. Do a pros and cons analysis and present the information here.

Do you agree this is a better way to go?..........
I agree 100%. Also it would be nice if some of the people that have only used one thing would at least try other products before bashing them and give them an honest try.I agree with both of you! The bashing and the over zealous endorsements from those who haven`t even tried a product are getting very old......... along with all of the back and forth bickering.

01-10-2007, 11:26 AM
Also it would be nice if some of the people that have only used one thing would at least try other products before bashing them and give them an honest try.

Amen. It`s not fair to comment with no first hand experience. May even be a good idea to only comment until after one has mastered the product in question. Some products have a learning curve.

01-10-2007, 11:31 AM
Also, if someone says a product is not working for them but it works excellent for you....don`t get mad at them. Offer them some advice on how to get it to work the way you do. I see that happen a lot. :)

01-10-2007, 11:49 AM
I agree here. the product "looks" is in the customers eyes or the person who bought it. That is what matters.

Plus you need to see what things or trates about the product are important.

01-10-2007, 11:52 AM
I approve this man law.


01-10-2007, 12:13 PM
I approve this man law.


I guess I don`t have to comply then. ;)

I think it`s a good rule of thumb to just remember that there are real people on the other end of these keyboards. Treat people like you would if they were standing in front of you.

01-10-2007, 12:18 PM
I hope we can all work harder on this. I know I am going to! Like silverlexus stated in the beginning, don`t bash a product you haven`t tried, and avoid comparing products you have used, to those you have not. One great thing we can do is share small samples of products with other members on the forum for those who have not tried them.

Great Idea!


01-10-2007, 12:37 PM
I agree, I`d love to see an addendum to the man law that says when touting a product you also directly compare it to some other products you have used for reference.

01-10-2007, 12:37 PM
Thats one thing I try to do is only compare products if I have tried them. I may also say what I have read on forums only if it is something I have read over and over. Hey if you hear about a product and you try it and are not satisfied give it away someone will be happy with it.

Setec Astronomy
01-10-2007, 12:58 PM
A truce between the Jetts and the Sharks?? No way!! Not unless someone from DClub shoots Scottwax in the playground and you give us a tearful soliloquy, SilverLexus...


But seriously folks, as (the MIA) Bill D used to say, it`s just wax and polish! And I was just using the ice cream analogy the other day...:hm

01-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Bravo SilverLexus!!

I agree 100%

I figure the more we know here at Autopia (and knowing comes from testing all products), the better we can narrow our list of products to the best possible.

If we keep in mind that “Our List†is a Personal Preference and that “Best†is subjective to which product traits are of greater value to each individual, then there is room for all opinions.
