View Full Version : How to work with a folded towel?

01-08-2007, 04:34 PM
When I use a towel to apply my DG Aquawax, I usually fold it up. However, I find that with a folded towel, the towel doesn`t keep it`s form and doesn`t follow my hand when I wipe back and forth. The folds and layers keep slipping against the next layers and the towel becomes all messed up (in shape). If you guys understand my question, can you suggest any solutions?

01-08-2007, 04:54 PM
I have the same problem at times. However, it depends on the situation. I find that I can use a folded towel with QD`s, Glass Cleaners, Spray Waxes, and interior dressings. However, when I try to remove wax or polish from the paint with a folded towel, it becomes mangled.

I find that I have less of a problem if I only fold the towel once. Towels folded into fourths tend to get mangled easier. Basically the problem is that the friction between the towel and itself is less than the friction between the towel and the paint. You can decrease the friction on the paint by spraying the surface with some water or QD as you buff.

01-08-2007, 05:00 PM
I had the same problem with QD`s and especially AW. So I started using two towels, the first is a wipe in one direction, so it doesn`t get mangled. Then the second towel is for buffing, and is dryer than the first so doesn`t get mangled up. Seems to work great.

01-08-2007, 05:10 PM
I have exactly the same problem, especially when using AW. Have you thought about ordering a couple MF covered foam pads specifically for use with AW? I added a couple to my cart with my last order from Autodetailingsolutions, but haven`t had a chance to use them yet.

- Andrew

01-08-2007, 05:24 PM
Certainly glad to hear I`m not the only one having these problems :) I guess a MF covered foam pad would definitely make things easier. Right now, my solution is just not to fold the towel at all and concentrate working with one section of the towel so I don`t waste the AW.

01-08-2007, 05:41 PM
I use two towels as well. One for applying and one for drying. By the time I get through with the whole vehicle the first towel issoaked enough with product that I am able to use for the glass without having to spray anymore. Works great!!

01-08-2007, 06:07 PM
I do not have this problem.

I fold into quarters (fold once top to bottom and then fold left to right)

I use MF`s without silk edged lining.

I PALM the towel to prevent it from getting mangled. My spread fingers, palm and heel of my palm keep the towel locked down except for the far corners. I spray the AW, wipe with the palmed towel with light pressure, flip, then palm the towel again to buff off. Basically, pretend that you need to give a hand print on the towel. Spread your fingers as wide as they can go and lay it on top of the towel.

Never have this issue!

01-08-2007, 07:07 PM
This is why God invented 4x6 applicators! A towel, unless it`s smaller than 12x12 inches isn`t very practical for application.

01-08-2007, 07:08 PM
Do you have an lsp on under the AW? The only time I have this trouble is with a car that doesn`t have much, or any wax so that the towel drags on the paint. If it`s nicely waxed, it glides right over the surface.

01-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Yes, I have a few layers of Collinite 476S under the AW. It`s still protecting and slick, but not as slick as right after I apply a wax, and not slick enough to provide less friction than that of the towels.

Spilchy, I`m going to try your method to try to "lock" the towel down next time.

D Bone
01-08-2007, 11:16 PM
I "prime" my MF (folded into quarters) by sparaying Wipe & Shine or AW onto the towel itself as well as the panel I`m working. My towel gets fairly damp with product, and I never have the towel scrunching problem. I don`t use a lot of force when I wipe or buff. I also don`t have any streaking issues with either product.