View Full Version : had bumper painted a year ago and now clear coat is chipping

01-08-2007, 02:23 PM
Hey guys, I had my bumper redone because of a very minor accident and was damaged on one side and the body shop redid it and repainted the bumper for me. Now a year later there is a chip in the clear coat about 2in by 1cm in the bumper right by my headlights. Do you think they should redo it for me because they said they would give me a lifetime warranty on the paint, or would they just make up an excuse? There are a lot of dead bugs on my bumper due to driving and I actually polish my bumper a lot. Should I bring clean my bumper before bringing it to them? And if they don`t cover it ... what can I do to prevent the clear coat chipping even more and maybe even reduce the appearance of it. I already applied like 6 coats of wax to it. But it still looks the same. Thanks guys.

01-08-2007, 02:40 PM
johnny13oi- Welcome to Autopia! Sorry to hear about the apparently huge paint chip.

Chips on the leading surfaces of vehicles are normal, stuff hits them and the paint chips. Aftermarket paint is generally less durable than factory paint too. But two inches (!) x one centimeter is one mighty big chip and makes me wonder if they used the proper flex-agent when they mixed the clear.

I`d clean it off as well as you can so it doesn`t look abused/neglected. Then see what the shop says about redoing it.

Nothing you can do to prevent chips IMO, no wax/etc. will provide protection against them. I just live with them myself and when they bother me enough I have the bumpercover repainted. As a musem curator once said: "real cars have stonechips".

01-08-2007, 03:13 PM
is there any way to like slow down the chipping? wouldn`t a few coats of wax kind of keep it from being fully exposed? Thank you

01-08-2007, 03:37 PM
is there any way to like slow down the chipping? wouldn`t a few coats of wax kind of keep it from being fully exposed? Thank you

Nope. Best bet is to get a "clear bra" installed...

01-08-2007, 04:32 PM
I wonder if the repaint didn`t include a flexing agent that is usually present in bumper paint.

01-08-2007, 05:49 PM
hey guys .. thanks for the feedback ... the dude said he`d fix it for me on saturday