View Full Version : Did I let the wax get too dry?

01-06-2007, 04:20 PM
I applied some Collinite IW to my Evo last week when it was in the 40`s and it went on buttery smooth and came off just as easy...since it was in the high 60s today I washed her off today and figured why not put another coat on in case we get some late snow like last year..

I applied the wax to the roof and started making my way down the pillars and to the trunk when I decided I should wipe it off..came off nice an easy but when I caught some direct sun light I could see what looked like micro-marring, I changed my microfiber that I was using to buff off the wax and took another wipe, stood in the sun and the direction of the mircomarring changed.

So now I am figuring there is wax still left on the car that just refuses to come off...so I took out some quick detailer and sprayed another mf a little and wiped the wax off again, same deal...in the sun light I could see what appeared to be smeared wax or micro marring, I know its not the applicator because I used a pad for the Collinite and a spray bottle for the quick detailer...I changed microfibers 3 times and I got the same results...so I broke out a new applicator pad and new microfiber and began to apply the collinite to the same spots but this time working in small 1 foot by 1 foot areas and wiped it clean right after, don`t see the streaking/smearing as bad...

So my question is, did I let the collinite get too dry? Did it work easier last week because it was cold out? I am going to boil and vinegar my microfibers just to make sure they are squeeky clean...I might try to re-wax the car tomorrow cause its eating me up knowing theres little streaks that are going to catch light rays and make it look like I have a swirled up car..

01-06-2007, 04:42 PM
Huh...this is a funny one and I dunno if I can really contribute much of an answer. I *will* say that I`ve let 845 set up for a *long* time before (even overnight) and I`ve never found that to cause any issues. If anything I`d have thought that maybe you didn`t let it set up *long enough* but I bet that sorta flies in the face of your experience in the colder weather :nixweiss

01-06-2007, 06:17 PM
I`ve seen this problem before also. Instead of letting the wax get too dry, I think it`s getting too oily. In direct sun light, the sun probably heated up the paint so much that the wax didn`t come off easily. At least those are my observations. When the application is done in cold weather, the wax will be able to dry and can be wiped down properly.

01-06-2007, 07:41 PM
Yeah...sounds weird but makes sense cause I went out in the dark with my work light and re-did the car and it came out fine, I moved the light up and down and side to side to see if I saw refractions and nothing was there.

01-06-2007, 07:47 PM
Glad to hear you solved your problem :)