View Full Version : Tips to get customers?

01-06-2007, 12:57 AM
hey guys im starting my own business of detailing and im trying to get as many customers as i can. im trying to get customers who are willing to spend $200-$400. everytime i mention that price they never call back or say thats too much. they even say $40 is a lot for a car wash!!! and those people drive BMW`s, Mercedes, Lexus, get the point.. hahaha.. any tips?

01-06-2007, 04:56 AM
Explain to them EVERY step, and add a price to the end of that step, for instance, tell them that you must first evaluate thier paint to see what steps are needed. Like, first I must prewash your car, that is $30, next I have to clay your paint to get it ready for polishing, thats $45, then I must post wash to get the clay residue off of the car, thats $30, etc., etc.

This way, they understand that you are not just doing a simple wash and wax.....

I honestly do think that just a wash, should be no more than $30.

I mean think about it, most uneducated (autopian style) people, will be happy driving through an automated swirl inducing wash for $8. Then they call you, $40 for a wash, you must be high, thats what they`re thinking anyway.

Good luck with your venture.

01-06-2007, 10:43 AM
lambostealth hit the main points. The average joe thinks that a car wash should cost $5. They most likely don`t understand what detailers really do. Heck, I thought that detailing meant repainting the car a few years ago :)

Show them before and after pictures of cars you have done to show them what kind of transformation you can make. Tell them how much time and labor you have to put in to achieve this kind of result. Tell them what products you have to use and how you have to use them.

Also, I believe most detailers here get their business through their customer referrals. Maybe you should lower your prices a bit in the beginning to attract loyal customers. When they see what kind of a great job you can do, they will refer their friends to you.

01-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Find out what other detailers in your area are charging to make sure you are competitive.

Have a written list of services with a price for each item. State the benefits of each service. Make your recommendation of what services his car needs and why, but let him pick which services he wants.

Offer discount coupons to attract new customers.

BTW just because someone owns a luxury car doesn`t mean they don`t care how much they spend on its upkeep. People want quality work but at a fair price.

imported_Dave KG
01-06-2007, 11:51 AM
Word of mouth, word of mouth, word of mouth! :)

I am an ammature detailer, and do not detail professionally as a business - I did a car for my friend after she had seen me do mine, and then she told her friends... I then had a couple of requests, and I did their cars too and its gone from there. All of the details I now do are through requests either from friends of friends, or requests through forums and I am really happy with this as I detail for pleasure and relaxation and this gives me the opportunity to do what I love and work on a whole variety of really nice cars.

The most important thing if you are doing this as a business, in my eyes, is to make a name for yourself and get your reputation... You will find that, with a good reputation, business will find you without the need to go looking for it. :cool:

01-06-2007, 01:32 PM
wow guys. thanks a lot! ill take everything into consideration!

01-06-2007, 10:52 PM
some great advice there!!!

Thanks from me too...