View Full Version : Lovely fun this morning

01-04-2007, 08:36 PM
Ah the joys of driving!! I had the privilege of having what I believe was a license plate hit my car this morning on the way to work. I just caught it kicking out from the back tire of the car in front of me, and it smacked flat on my windshield. I was hopeful it didn`t crack it since it was dark yet. Well once it got lighter out I went to check at work, and found out it had apparently skidded off my hood leaving some nice scratches. I was also hopeful by looking at them, that it was mostly paint transfer. No luck though, as I cleaned up the paint transfer to find it was mostly scratched. The ones by the wiper could buff easy, but the ones at the front of the hood could be trouble. Thankfully I found out that since the plate was "in flight" they classify it as a comprehensive matter, which I have a zero deductible for. I really didn`t want to deal with all this, and as I posted in my other thread, was hoping to fix it myself and see if they would pay me. But as bad as it looks I think I would feel better have it repainted, if they would indeed pay for that.

Excuse the messiness as it was raining on my way home before I took the pics.



Scratch in the windshield:


These two are at the front of the hood after cleaning up the paint transfer:



01-05-2007, 12:33 PM
Good Heavens, that`s really bad :( Sorry to hear about this, good luck with getting the insurance company to pay for a proper repair, maybe you`ll luck out.

01-05-2007, 03:16 PM
Just got back from the body shop. They will replace the windshield and repaint the entire top of the hood. He said all he has to do is send in the info with the pictures and they will pretty much just go with what they say needs to be done.

imported_Dave KG
01-05-2007, 04:25 PM
Ouch thats a sore one... Verh hard to avoid flying debris on the road unfortunately, really sorry to see this. Reminds me of being in my dad`s car when the hub cap off the car in front flew off at 70mph and smashed into out windshield, shattering the glass and denting the roof above the screen. Not a pleasent experience. :(

01-05-2007, 04:38 PM

I was on 95` and some debris bounced in front of me (have no idea what it was). Took me antenna out, and once bounced off my sideview mirror and broke it. Luckily the wires held and I was able to snap in back in palce, but the motor function, and lamp underneathe don`t work. New mirrors for my truck are over 600 bucks, screw that lol, I put the mirror back into position and stuck thick tape at once spot to hold it.

Still haven`t fixed my antenna, it didn`t just snap, the force also broke the base it was attached to and whatever that goes to inside the body, the metal thingy is split.

01-06-2007, 01:36 PM
Grimm- Now all you have to worry about is the shop doing a decent job. Make sure they don`t penetrate the paint when they remove the windshield lest it cause a rust-out (had it happen once).

01-06-2007, 02:23 PM
And make sure they cover the whole car! When my frony fender was repainted they masked and covered just the surrounding area, giving the rest of the car a nice coating of overspray!