View Full Version : Water spot etching. What glass polish?

01-04-2007, 01:58 PM
I bought my Jetta two years ago. It was washed maybe once a month and rarely waxed, but it was garage kept and taken care of. When I got it, I did a good restored job on the paint and it was flawless.

However, it had bad water spots on the windows. I rubbed and I rubbed with glass cleaner, but nothing worked. Then, I stumbled upon a site that said fine steel wool and vinager would remove bad water spots, but not the etching. So, I took steel wool and vinigar and went to town with some hope. It definitely cleared the windows up some and took some of the more recent spots away.

Fast foreward to today. I am absolutely tired of my whole car being completey clean, but having water spotted windows. I recently got a PC 7424 for Christams. I thought, what the heck, so, I took the pad that came with it and some Megs Deep Crystal Paint Cleaner and tried it out on one of the windows. Well, I didn`t run it very long because I didn`t know what the pad and the paint cleaner would do to the window. However, I did notice that it started clearing up some of the spots. So, I think there might be some hope.

So, I am here today to ask which glass polish or any polish do you reccommend to get rid of the water spot etchings? And which LC pad should I use in conjunction with the polish? What PC speed?

Here are some pics of the damage... (sorry, the car is dirty. It is winter and I am building a house)

Notice the etchings at the arrows and the lower right...


(That is not a scratch in the middle...)


Here is what she looks like when clean...


Please help me. I don`t have the money to replace the windows.:(

01-04-2007, 02:00 PM
I have good luck with P21S Paint Cleansing Lotion and water etches.

01-04-2007, 02:06 PM
I`ve seen people reccomend CLR for water pots on paint, so I would definitely think it would work on windows.

01-04-2007, 02:15 PM
I haven`t tried CLR for window water spots but I have had good results with Spot-x (can be bought from Home Depot). I had bad water spots that clay would not remove but spot-x took out in a few seconds.

Good luck and keep us updated!

01-04-2007, 02:34 PM
I have good luck with P21S Paint Cleansing Lotion and water etches.

Hmmm. I just ordered Sonus Paintwork Cleanser. I wonder if it would work the same?

What would I use, a polishing pad?

I`ve seen people reccomend CLR for water pots on paint, so I would definitely think it would work on windows.

Isn`t that just to take the actually water spots off. I don`t think the CLR will remove the etching...would it? I guess it is worth a shot.

Good luck and keep us updated!As soon as I find something that works, I will let you know.

01-04-2007, 02:44 PM
I find paint polishes work just as well on glass as on paint. I use Menzerna IP with an orange pad.

01-04-2007, 02:50 PM
Detailer`s Pride makes a good paint polish, if you cant get your hands on that, any non-ceramiclear polish and a cut pad should work. I like OHC.

01-04-2007, 03:17 PM
I find paint polishes work just as well on glass as on paint. I use Menzerna IP with an orange pad.

Hmm. So, I would I just do the same methods as I use on the paint. But I just stick with less abrasive polishes?

Detailer`s Pride makes a good paint polish, if you cant get your hands on that, any non-ceramiclear polish and a cut pad should work. I like OHC.

How do I know if it is a non-ceramiclear polish?

I have:

Megs #2

Megs #3 Glaze

Megs #9

3M Heavy Duty Rubbing Compund

3M Imperial Microfinishing Compund

XMT #3

XMT #2

XMT #1

XMT Glaze

Megs Deep Crystal Paint Cleaner

Sonus Paintwork Cleanser

Megs Scratch-X

I think that is all I have in terms of polishes.

Would any of these be a non-ceraniclear polish? If not, I will buy one if I can find it. I would like for it to be on this site as I have a order to send in to them anyway.

01-04-2007, 04:34 PM
Hmm. So, I would I just do the same methods as I use on the paint. But I just stick with less abrasive polishes?

How do I know if it is a non-ceramiclear polish?

I have:

Megs #2

Megs #3 Glaze

Megs #9

3M Heavy Duty Rubbing Compund

3M Imperial Microfinishing Compund

XMT #3

XMT #2

XMT #1

XMT Glaze

Megs Deep Crystal Paint Cleaner

Sonus Paintwork Cleanser

Megs Scratch-X

I think that is all I have in terms of polishes.

Would any of these be a non-ceraniclear polish? If not, I will buy one if I can find it. I would like for it to be on this site as I have a order to send in to them anyway.


01-05-2007, 09:35 AM
How do I know if it is a non-ceramilclear polish?

And will any of the products I listed work?

01-05-2007, 10:01 AM
I find paint polishes work just as well on glass as on paint. I use Menzerna IP with an orange pad.

Ditto, any abbrasive paint polish will work.

01-05-2007, 10:32 AM
Ditto, any abbrasive paint polish will work.

Sweetness. I am going to try this weekend.