View Full Version : Boiling Wax

12-31-2006, 12:30 AM
A friend of mine has been applying his collinite using a PC; he applies the wax onto the pad with a butter knife (I do the same), only he "dug" the wax out of the middle, and now his tin of wax is pretty much useless for applying by hand because the wax is all up and under the sides.

A common procedure with candles is to boil them in order to keep the wax level, ensuring you get the best burn time, and as I was looking at his tin of wax, I thought that boiling it would melt it down and even it out along the bottom of the tin. Is this a big no-no? A part of me thinks it is fine, but another part of me worries that you might end up evaporating some parts of the wax during the boiling process.

We may give it a try since Collinite is cheap and there isn`t much left in his tin, but I`d appreciate the input.


12-31-2006, 12:37 AM
So you would get some water boiling in a pot or something, then hold the wax tin in the water until the wax started to melt and reform? I think you`re fine.

People here have actually put various waxes into a double boiler to make combinations.

12-31-2006, 12:48 AM
Exactly - put the wax container into a pot of boiling water, just enough water to heat up the wax and liquify it, redistributing it in the tin.

Eliot Ness
12-31-2006, 02:29 AM
It would be fine doing that:



12-31-2006, 05:08 AM
Just remember, carnauba has a very high melting point, where other materials in the wax may have a flash point not much higher than the carnauba melting point.

This is what I tell customers -- And only seems to work if you have long hair or a live-in girlfriend/wife. Borrow her hair dryer, and heat up the sides of the tin. The wax will slowly melt very quickly into a much more usable format. Only takes a minute to do. Have fun.

12-31-2006, 05:09 AM
...oh, and lastly, put it in the fridge for a few hours after you melt it back to where you like it to be. This step isnt required, but certainly best for the wax.