View Full Version : Please rate/comment on this proposed line-up

12-29-2006, 09:04 PM
On an avus silver TT, using a PC (for the first time) I`d intended the following with a view to hopefully obtaining a deep wet gloss with some shine and hopefully some `pop` too. Longevity is also a goal.

1. Sonus swirlbuster (& Pad) for cleaning and swirl correction

2. Mothers seal and glaze (2 Questions here - I beleive this has some cleaning qualities - will it remove the fillers left by the sonus? and will one coat be good enough or should I layer it?)

3. Jeffs AJT (Question here - will this work ok over the Mothers or is it pointless here)

4. Swissol Saphir wax

So fellas, whaddya think? Any view/comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

12-30-2006, 07:18 AM
No comments? Anyone?

12-30-2006, 07:27 AM
Since you are going to JW AJ, I would use PRIME instead of a glaze. I like glazes with carn. waxes. Prime is ideal for your set up. Be sure to let JW AJ cure 24 hours before adding a wax. Just my thought I might add 2 coats of AJ before the wax. IMHO......


12-30-2006, 01:48 PM
Since you are going to JW AJ, I would use PRIME instead of a glaze. I like glazes with carn. waxes. Prime is ideal for your set up. Be sure to let JW AJ cure 24 hours before adding a wax. Just my thought I might add 2 coats of AJ before the wax. IMHO......


Wont Prime remove the fillers from the sonus swirlbuster though?

12-30-2006, 02:54 PM
I don`t think it should, though if you want to be on the safe side and go for more gloss you could try Prime Acrylic instead. I personally don`t see the need to put a nuba on top of Werkstatts, save yourself a few dollars.

12-30-2006, 07:17 PM
Yes, prime would remove any fillers that are left behind.. I also doubt AJT would bond properly on top of any fillers. You`re probably best off skipping the AJT altogether, and maybe switching to a glaze-friendly sealant like EX-P.

12-31-2006, 07:48 AM
Hmm. interesting respones guys, thanks.

So what would make a sealant `glaze friendly`, a sealant wih carnuba? I have some EX-P, I also have UPP.

Any other suggestions?

12-31-2006, 08:21 AM
The swirlbuster should remove not fill scrathes. So Prime or prime strong would work. UPP is a excellant product also.