View Full Version : cement on paint

sean connors
05-29-2003, 11:07 AM
Has anyone ever tried CLR on a vehicle to remove cement?? There are chunks of cement on the hood and I want to remove it before polishing and sanding.

05-29-2003, 04:11 PM
CLR isn`t something I am familiar with so I don`t know how it would work.
Cement seems to be quite difficult to remove. Muriatic acid is used to remove excess mortar from bricks and it would probably take the cement off of your car as well. It may not be the best thing for your paint, but if you use small amounts in small areas, I don`t think it will do much, if any, damage. Try a small first. Check with a hardware or building supply store for the acid and read the instructions for use. It is acid and not at all good for your health. You should wear gloves and safety glasses.