View Full Version : How long do you let waxes/polishes cure?

12-27-2006, 01:43 AM
I use a simple method for the wife`s car: clay, Sonus swirlbuster in necessary, AIO, SG, and top with Collinite 426s and I`m very happy with the results(for now at least). However, I have been hearing about "curing" times. I know that AIO can be removed immediately but what about SG and waxes? How long should they sit before they are wiped off and would there be any difference if, for example, in wait time if I wanted several coats of SG for gloss. My understanding on waxes is that 24 hours is needed between applications but does that apply to all waxes? And does that mean that if I want several coats of 426s for winter it`ll take several days? Thanks!

12-27-2006, 03:50 AM
I new around here myself Turtle, but I`m also curious about this. From what I`ve read, most products including polishes and waxes have a cure time. In order to use another product on the car one must allow the first application to cure first, otherwise putting a second coat on doesn`t look as good as it could. My understanding is that traditional waxes require 24-48hrs to cure. Synthetic waxes I think take less time.

Here`s a related question about accelerators. It seems that accelerators can be used to shorten the cure time to less than an hour. This allows one to get the great "layered" look with synthetic products without having to wait a day in between coats. It makes sense to me then, that I would only want to use a synthetic product with an accelerator, since I don`t want to have to wait to apply another coat.

Is there any downside to this, and what are some good polish + accelerator or wax + accelerator products?

I threw this in, Turtle, becuase it seems you`re also interested in not having to wait in between coats. I don`t know if your Collinite wax is synthetic or if it uses an accelerator, but that seems to be what makes the difference.

Eliot Ness
12-27-2006, 09:55 AM
SG can be removed as soon as it is dry, but it needs a 12-24 hour period of time to fully cure before applying another coat or topping it with a wax. Two to four layers of SG tend to look better than just one, and when you add 476 you have a very durable combo that should make through the winter with flying colors.

With a wax it is OK to do a second (thin) application just to make sure you have full coverage, but then I like to wait 24 hours or until the next wash to put on another application if I`m going to layer.

BlueBoxer1: The only product (I know of) that currently uses an accelerator is the Zaino ZFX (http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=ZFX&Category_Code=Zaino) when used with the Z2, Z5, and Z3 sealants. Once mixed it allows you to apply up to three coats in one day. Once mixed the Zaino/ZFX has a very limited life (they use it within 6 hours) before it starts to get hard, so you only want to mix what you`ll be using that same day. Mixing isn`t really hard at all and I found it to be a pretty good system that offers both durability and looks.

SG is a very good LSP, but since I bought the Z system I don`t use it too much these days. Some of our cars I don`t have the time to get my hands on them for more than 1 day or an afternoon, so the multiple applications of Z in one day is a real plus on our daily drivers.