View Full Version : Please check my order (MF wax removal)

12-26-2006, 09:07 PM
I am about to order these MF towels for wax removal - http://store.pakshak.com/ultra-edgeless-micro-fiber-towel-16x16-1.html I am thinking that I will need 3 for complete removal of wax or sealant. How does this sound? I have a 335i which is basically a large two-door coupe.

Also I need an idea as to how many of these I should order http://store.pakshak.com/ultra-micro-fiber-foam-applicator-pad-4x6-1.html I really am not sure, as I have never waxed a car before. Are the microfiber foam applicator pads washable and reusable? Thanks.

12-26-2006, 10:36 PM
bump...just curious if the yellow foam pads and microfiber wax applicators are washable and reusable

Eliot Ness
12-26-2006, 10:44 PM
bump...just curious if the yellow foam pads and microfiber wax applicators are washable and reusableYes they are. I usually use Dawn or an APC to wash them out by hand, but some toss them in the washer.

12-27-2006, 11:25 AM
BMW335i- If you clean them out before the product has a chance to fully dry it`ll go a lot easier.

As to how many to buy, I`d get at least one more than you think you`ll need, [stuff] really does happen at the worst possible moment. I`d consider three to be a minumum, and note that with my ultra-thin LSP applications I don`t need as many buffing towels as most people (one to remove most of it, one for a final buff, one spare- that`s what *I* would need as a minumum when doing my M3). As you`re just getting into this stuff, you`ll probably use a *LOT* more product than you really need (it`s only natural, that`s not a slam) so an extra towel or two will quite probably come in handy.

Anyhow, they don`t go bad in storage and they *do* wear out, so it`s nice to have a backup or two.