View Full Version : Acrua & cosmolean? coating

Detail 1
12-21-2006, 07:53 PM
Hey Guys I been doing alot of new Acuras at a near by dealership on the new cars only the ones shiped from Japan they been coverd in a painted on cover,called Cosmolean may be spelled wrong but hey im not perfect... but any why whats the best way to remove it... Thanks

12-21-2006, 08:47 PM
isn`t that the stuff they use in engine bays?

12-21-2006, 08:51 PM
If it`s Cosmoline, then you`re in for a pain in the ***. Cosmoline is basically Russian Vaseline - its usually used as a coating on military firearms that are being stored since it prevents rust, corrosion, etc. Hopefully it`s not the same stuff, but if it is, the best way to remove it is to hit it with a steam cleaner - I don`t know if that`s paint safe though. Hot water might also be worth a try.

12-21-2006, 09:08 PM
I know zymol offers a product speficly for this. I dont know how well it works but it is desgined as a cosmolie (sp) remover here is a link

ZYMOL STRIK 8.5 oz - Zymol Worldwide (

12-21-2006, 09:28 PM
If this is covering aluminum within the engine bay or underneath on the oil pans etc DO NOT REMOVE IT!:nono

It`s there to protect parts from pitting. Mostly on aluminum parts and a few other metals that they believe will not last unless treated.

All Porsche engine oil pans have it on them. If you remove it, and the dealer sees it`s gone, they put on a fresh coat. I asked and that`s just what they`ve been instructed by Porsche AG to do if it`s missing from someone removing it.

Check with the dealership on prep prior to delivery. If it`s not mentioned to remove it by the MFG, DON`T! Yes, it may smell when heated for awhile, mine does.

Hold off until you get more information from several Acura dealers or from Acura directly. Don`t take any chances on finding out later that it`s not to be removed.



Setec Astronomy
12-21-2006, 09:48 PM
That stuff isn`t cosmoline. It`s some sort of substitute for transit wrap and it`s dry. I`m sure some light mineral spirits (tar remover) will take it right off. It`s really a pretty awful substitute for plastic, I saw several RSX`s on a dealer lot and from a distance thought the paint was ruined, but it was this stuff, brush marks and all. The bad part is they don`t paint it very closely around the washer nozzles, etc., so if you get a big bird crap in the right place, it`s etch city. And the dealers take the stuff right off of most of the cars...kind of like the plastic. The mfr. puts it on there for the two week trip from the factory (domestic car) and then the dealer pulls the plastic and lets it sit under a tree from April til September :rolleyes:

12-21-2006, 10:31 PM
A good decon should be able to remove it - without brush marks.

12-21-2006, 10:54 PM
Why not try the citrus wash that CG carries. or a product call T-1000 by Tomar Industries in NC works great. GOOD LUCK

David Fermani
12-21-2006, 11:12 PM
Cosmolean - whats the best way to remove it...

Cosmoline Remover. It`s specifically made for this type of application. Most of the time, the vehicle manufacturer has a suggested product line designed to best remove their type of coating.

Setec Astronomy
12-22-2006, 07:39 AM
A good decon should be able to remove it - without brush marks.

Oops, I wasn`t clear, this stuff that the OP is talking about, at least what I saw on the RSX`s, was clearly applied by brush, it was some paint-on liquid rather than the more typical plastic wrap. And when it was brushed on, they gave it a wide berth to obstacles like the washer nozzles and sunroof. I suppose this might have been something that the shipping company put on on the dock, rather than was done at the factory. The dealer should know how to get it off.

Detail 1
12-22-2006, 08:45 AM
Yea you would think the dealer would but no.. I have someone working on it now in side the dealership service hopefully they can help till then ill try the Zymol and alot of peeling..I think i got 3-4 today to do dam i hope its something out there..... Oh yea it is brushed on whith a brush it seems...any more info would be great guys thanks....

12-22-2006, 08:52 AM
Go to autoint.com--they will have a product/answer for you.....

12-22-2006, 12:46 PM
Go to autoint.com--they will have a product/answer for you.....

Yep, that`s *the* answer IMO ;) Their New Car Prep works like a charm for this...well, it oughta since that`s exactly what it`s made for :D

Cosmoline is.. usually used as a coating on military firearms..

That stuff isn`t cosmoline....

Heh heh, in another few years there won`t be many of us left who know what (real) cosmoline is ;) One of those smells you don`t forget (I kinda like it :o ).