View Full Version : OCW vs DP SSS vs UPP for Black Pearl paint

12-21-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi, just looking for a quick spray sealant/wax for quick winter detailing. I have a Subaru with a black pearl paint, and I`m looking for something with these properties in order of importance:

1) durability

2) wetness

3) deepness

4) Shine

Among Optimum CW, DP Spray Sealant Shield, and 4Star UPP, or any other suggestions how do you rank them.

12-21-2006, 11:05 AM
I would either go with Duragloss Aquawax or Zaino Z8...both are top notch products!

12-21-2006, 11:06 AM
I`m still pretty new to this, but I have the Optimum spray wax, and Duragloss AW and have been very impressed with them. With AW, I could almost see never having to apply a paste wax again. Very glossy and durable.

Setec Astronomy
12-21-2006, 11:09 AM
I haven`t used the UPPS or the DP product, but between OCW and AW I would pick the AW. Fast and easy, great shine and slickness, may be available locally, nice price.

12-21-2006, 12:06 PM
Aquawax. Will be more durable than the others, and is plenty glossy/slick/reflective. It`s so easy to use it`s almost silly, for the results you get.

I just got my dad a DG car kit at CarQuest and the AW was listed at $5.99! This product cannot be beat at that price.

