View Full Version : Questions for Optimum Poli-Seal users ... one-step OR do you top it?

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12-20-2006, 08:26 PM
If you use OPS as a one-step what`s the durability like?

If you top it ... what do you use as a topper?

12-20-2006, 08:31 PM
durabilty is still up for question but it looks to be about 3-5 months. There are some pics around here with poli as a final and it looks pretty good.

Some top it with a carnuba or werks to improve depth and wetness

12-20-2006, 08:37 PM
I`ve seen around 3 months durability with the OPS. I like to top it with the Optimum Spray Wax to give a deeper shine right after a detail. Also I`ve had good luck with Natty`s as a topper.

12-20-2006, 09:19 PM
Just coming up on the 3 month point now and looking good. I was told to expect 3-4 months, which is quite good for a one-step product.

I`ve been using OCW, several different carnaubas, EX-P and AJ over Poli-Seal and so far, all seem to work just fine.

a.k.a. Patrick
12-20-2006, 09:30 PM
The PS actually has better durability then its counterpart, Opt SW. Its sealant concentration is much higher then the SW. About 3:1.

So, is it necessary to top? No

Can you? Yes

Should you? Dunno!! Its up to you obviously.

Would I? Probably, just to increase slickness.......but I would probably opt for a spray variety.

12-20-2006, 11:16 PM
TOL`s instructions for OPS states:

For hand application, apply with a dampened applicator to vehicle`s surface. Wait for it to haze and wipe off with towel. We prefer terry as microfiber can remove fresh wax.

I don`t believe I`ve ever seen a polish/sealant that recommends against using a microfiber.

12-20-2006, 11:22 PM
I can`t resist not topping with AW since it`s so easy to use and provides a very slick surface. :cool:

Anthony O.
12-20-2006, 11:46 PM
TOL`s instructions for OPS states:

For hand application, apply with a dampened applicator to vehicle`s surface. Wait for it to haze and wipe off with towel. We prefer terry as microfiber can remove fresh wax.

I don`t believe I`ve ever seen a polish/sealant that recommends against using a microfiber.

The theory is that mf removes or picks up grease and oils and thus it may also remove the wax layer or at least play funny with some of it.

Now is this accurate? We really have no idea or way of knowing. I don`t even know if something like that can be tested. I personally have not seen a drastic decrease in was protection by using mf`s.


12-21-2006, 07:07 AM
The theory is that mf removes or picks up grease and oils and thus it may also remove the wax layer or at least play funny with some of it.

Now is this accurate? We really have no idea or way of knowing. I don`t even know if something like that can be tested. I personally have not seen a drastic decrease in was protection by using mf`s.


Has everyone been using mf towels for removal?

Do you apply to the entire vehicle, then remove after 15 mintues?

a.k.a. Patrick
12-21-2006, 08:19 AM
I havent used a cotton towel in quite some time. As for removal time, its no different (other then ease of use) then any other sealant. Just apply one panel at a time (Dont forget, its a polish too, so get its full benefit by useing it as one) let it haze or dry, then wipe away. Its easier to remove then most glass sprays!

tom weed
12-21-2006, 09:25 AM
I just used OPS over the weekend on my Black Grand Prix and topped it with #26 and it`s never looked better. The paint was in good shape to begin with, very little marring if any and I`m impressed with this combo. One thing I do find, I use a lot of OPS, it almost seems to evaporate when you use it and it doesn`t load up on the pad. This is probably the easiest product I`ve ever used, removal is effortless and leaves the surface super slick. After topping with #26, The paint has a very wet look.


Darren F
12-21-2006, 09:34 AM
how long does it need to cure ?

12-21-2006, 10:18 PM
I could dump a bucket of Aquawax on my dog and have him shake himself dry near my car and get a great result...so yea I top it with AW, too easy and cheap not to.

Just a note: Someone above mentioned it....Poliseal just disappears into the paint super quick so it doesnt have a lot of work time if youre thinking about using anything other than a final polish pad. Also, if you use too much of it...it will gum up and you`ll have some problem spots on your finish.

12-22-2006, 12:40 AM
how long does it need to cure ?

Apparently not, apply and remove immediately or apply to the whole vehicle then remove. Either way, removal is effortless.

Darren F
12-22-2006, 10:59 AM
if i want to top it with AJT, OCW or AW how long should I wait?