View Full Version : rotary or pc

12-20-2006, 08:21 PM
do i really need a rotary to fix ALL swirls?

and is a rotary a Cyclo?

12-20-2006, 08:25 PM
no I think almost all swirls will come out with a pc

a rotary is faster but there is a learning curve and a better chance of burning the paint

a cyclo is like two pc put together!

12-20-2006, 08:31 PM
Depends on the swirl and paint. Very often PC is sufficient.

Cyclo is not a rotary, and has similarity with PC, but is different enough.

If you don`t own any PC would be your best bet for start.

12-20-2006, 08:33 PM
The short answer for both questions is ...NO!!

The long answer is the PC can do almost as much as a rotary in the proper hands. It takes technique, pads, product and time. It has a learning curve to get results but is much safer than using a rotary.

The rotary will get results faster. It also has a learning curve. Which, in the wrong hands, can be deliterious to a vehicle`s paint. With that said, if one keeps moving and does not put to much pressure while operating a rotary, most can learn how to operate a rotary with time, practice and the use of some common sense.

The cyclo is the third of a trilogy of PC, rotary, then cyclo. It is more powerful than a PC. It only has one speed. It employs two four inch pads instead of one pad as do the PC and rotary. It has a different feel to it, compared to the others, but is mastered easily. Cost is the only reason that I do not have a cyclo..... yet. My rotary and PC do me well.

imported_Dave KG
12-20-2006, 08:37 PM
The PC is a great introduction into machie polishing and ith patience will remove the vast majority of paint defects from the vast majoirt of finishes... they are a slower tool than the rotary for paint correction because they are gentler, but this has the advanatge in that they are very safe to use...

For the ultimate finish though, the rotary gets my vote... Personally I find myself achieving crystal clarity with my Makita and the Menzerna RD twins that the PC, while it comes close, doesn`t quite match in my eyes. But the rotary does have a learning curve with it, especially for finishing: if you choose the rotary route, get yourself a scrap panel or five and practice defect removal and finishing... I found once I had cracked hologram free finishing by rotary (on soft dark solid paints, they are the biggest challenge to get spot on), the PC never comes out for anything other than glazes now.

12-20-2006, 08:43 PM
i own a PC. i dont think i have the hang of using the PC. like how muchw ax to put. and how many times i have to go through the same spot. and how big is a "panel" if there are like videos i can watch. that would be great! thanks guys

12-20-2006, 08:59 PM
There are many videos but this forum has a member named BlkYukon that has a very good video for the PC. Check it out and you will have a learning tool for the PC.

Here is the link..Porter Cable Random Orbital Video Demo (http://paintcare-n-detailing.com/video/)

12-20-2006, 09:17 PM
if there are like videos i can watch. that would be great!

Get Show Car Garage`s DVD.