View Full Version : Sick of people parking like idiots?

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12-20-2006, 10:28 AM
A friend of mine just sent me this website and I thought you fellow autopians would appreciate it. Reminds me of the old "rice boy" tickets that you used to be able to print out on riceboypage.com or whatever the site was.

Check out the pics of the durango!

youparklikeanasshole (http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/)

12-20-2006, 10:44 AM
:har: That is the BEST site ever! Thanks for sharing...the copy machine will going in one second. I cant wait to put them in my truck! Being a fellow MassHole you know how people park around here.

I just passed out the "Infraction #1" form around the office.

tom p.
12-20-2006, 10:56 AM
I see it, it bugs me, I don`t think people really care around here. It`s extremely thoughtless when people in a certain class of vehicle ( ;) ) take up 2 or 4 spaces. I always park way out so it doesn`t impact me much - - I figure I can benefit from a few extra steps as I sit most of the day.

BTW, I could send in enough fotos taken from around my town to fill up all the spaces at that website :hm

12-20-2006, 11:00 AM
I don`t understand how people 1) have time to run a site like that and 2) have the time to print out the "ticket" and leave it on someones car.

12-20-2006, 12:04 PM
I`d do it in a heartbeat. I hate ******* parkers!

12-20-2006, 12:44 PM
LOL, Love it!!


12-20-2006, 12:45 PM
I don`t mind the people that take up a couple spots if they are far out because they are obviously trying to keep their car nice; but it does bug me if they are parked close by.

What I really want is a big sign for my window that I can flash at idiots riding in the left lane "Move over Jacka$$ and let the faster traffic use that lane!"

12-20-2006, 12:56 PM
I am akwats good in parking lots, and i agree there a ton of idiots but this site is rediculous. Im sorry but cumon you park like and ***... seems kinda of juvinle to me. i dunno just no tmy cup of tea i guees

12-20-2006, 02:47 PM
it`s funny just remeber how you would feel if someone

touched your car to put something stupid on it

12-20-2006, 05:07 PM
What I really want is a big sign for my window that I can flash at idiots riding in the left lane "Move over Jacka$$ and let the faster traffic use that lane!"


eBay: LED SCROLLING MESSAGE PROGRAMABLE SIGN 6x39 USED (item 180064960551 end time Dec-23-06 13:23:51 PST) (http://cgi.ebay.com/LED-SCROLLING-MESSAGE-PROGRAMABLE-SIGN-6x39-USED_W0QQitemZ180064960551QQihZ008QQcategoryZ11749 4QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item18 0064960551)

12-20-2006, 05:39 PM
I hadn`t seen this site, but I`ll confess to putting a similar note on a car a few months ago. Guess I was having a bad day because usually I really wouldn`t let something like this get to me. It was a crammed parking lot and I the last 2 spaces side-by-side a couple row over at the back of the lot. By the time I got there, some kids from the ghetto driving a Pimped Out (caps intended) Caddy parked diagonally across both spots. I had to park down the block along the curb and when I walked past the car I pulled out a card and scribbled "A##hole Parking School Graduate" and tucked it under the wiper. I`ll admit, I would have like to have seen their reaction when they got back to their car.

12-20-2006, 06:41 PM
just put one to good use buhahahaha

12-20-2006, 08:40 PM
my coworker who is 4`11" parks too close to the line. I think it`s because she is too little to see better. I offered to get her a phone book to sit on.

I should try it out with that notice!

12-20-2006, 09:58 PM
it`s funny just remeber how you would feel if someone

touched your car to put something stupid on it

:nixweiss You park like a jerk and you are inviting trouble, especially if you use close spots.

Not saying anyone should mess with some jerk`s car but there are a lot of people who will. I remember when Car and Driver had an article about door dings and someone said they carried around wooden toothpicks and would jam them into the locks and break them off on cars that dinged his doors. Probably not as effective these days when even cheap cars have keyless entry of some sort. Heck I had a friend who would hock a lunger on the driver`s window of cars that parked in two spots. Way more people like that than you think and I prefer to not give them a reason to jack with my car.

12-20-2006, 10:10 PM
Someday when I have enough money, Im going to buy a car that is just for going to walmart. Im going to find cars that are not parked straight and park correctly in the parking place.. Which would then put me about 2 inches from their door since they are parked in my parking place. Ill then get out, and wait for them to come and see how hard it is for them to get in their car... :sign