View Full Version : Depression, Discouragement, Lessons Learned, Questions unanswered, and silver linings

12-16-2006, 08:01 PM
For the firs time in a long time I got a whole after noon to devote to my car. No Kids, no wife, no nothing. Just me and my black `06 Infinity G35 sedan. Today was pretty mild too so with the electric heater in the garage I was able to work around the harsh New Hampshire winter weather. I started with the interior. It was pretty bad. I`ve had to travel to alot of client sites for work and I`ve been pretty much living out of my car for a week. After a few hours of intensive, meticulous cleaning, the inside looks gorgeous.

It was still early and I was pretty pumped up after having such great success on the interior. So I decided that I should go after the exterior. Its too cold to wash outside but I figured that this was as good a time as any to get used to ONR. I had used it once before and it did an ok job. I figured that with some more reading on autopia and some practice I could really refine my technique. I soaked one panel at a time with a pesticide sprayer. 1oz/gal ratio. Then I soaked my wash mitt in a bucket mixed with the same 1oz/gal ratio (note this is double the recipe given on the bottle). I washed one panel at a time, using no pressure other than the weight of the mitt. After about two panels, it was apparent that my mitt wasn`t going to make it. It was getting really dirty. So I pulled out my bin full of MF towels. I used a fresh MF on each panel. Working top to bottom and drying with two Megs WW water magnets, the car was looking pretty good in about 45 minutes.

The only thing I will say, is that I got some pretty bad streaking. Probably because I doubled the recipe, or maybe because the water was hot. Who knows, further experimentation should answer those questions. Besides the streaking wasn`t anything a QD couldn`t take care of. By the way, I tried using some Black Magic Spray Detailer that I bought before I knew better, and the streaking was unacceptable. The bottle immediately hit the trash. I finished with some Mother`s Showtime instant detailer. That stuff is the berries!

Now the moment of truth. I put the halogen on the drivers side door. I almost died. My will was broken. Swirls, marring, cobwebbing, call it whatever you want but it was everywhere. This was my first time looking at the car under a halogen so I`m not sure how much was there previously. I`ve only had the car for two and half months. I know that the dealer probably did a number on it before I picked it up but I don`t think that they could have done this much. Maybe they did, who knows. But I can`t help thinking that I did it with the ONR. The car was pretty well covered in road grime and salt. I probably should have taken it to the touchless first.

I tried using some AIO by hand and that seemed to help a little, but not much. I tried some NXT, and that seemed to help a little too, but again, not much.

At that point I felt like I didn`t want to detail ever again. I thought that I had learned enough to keep the car looking good and fix any imperfections that I found. I was starting with a new car so all I had to do was maintain. And now here I am, the finish is horrible and I am not motivated to fix it at all. I didn`t even finish QD`ing the entire car. I didn`t clean the wheels, the door jambs, or the windows. All of which I intended to do before I got this horrible news.

The silver lining: Santa Clause is bringing me a PC and some Optimum polish. I have the day after christmas off from work so hopefully I can pull myself together and get motivated to fix this situation by then.

I`ve posted a pic below. Someone please tell me that I couldn`t have done all of this with one ONR wash. Also, please tell me it should come out with the OP and an orange pad. I plan to hit it with the OP on an orange pad, AIO on a white pad, KSG on a white pad (maybe 2 coats), then top it with some souveran.

The pic is kind of blurry, and sorry for the long post. I just had to get those feelings out


12-16-2006, 08:05 PM
Oh man :( Sorry to see what car looks like under halogens. Im not sure if that will come out with Optimum Polish on an Orange pad, it will definately clear things up however. If you arent looking to buy a whole bottle of OC just to do your car once with it let me know and I can shoot you a bottle with enough to do your car.

Oh by the way...please do not be discouraged. We were all in your shoes at one point or the other. Just wait until you get your baby detailed with your own two hands. The satisfaction of achieving those results all by yourself will make you forget all about this sad day.

12-16-2006, 08:08 PM
Hey, don`t be discouraged from this little "incident". According to your description, it doesn`t seem like you could have caused much marring. But then again, I haven`t used ONR before, so I can`t be positive. The more likely possibility is that the dealer did this when they detailed the car before delivery. Sometimes they hit it with the rotary, which causes swirls even worse than the ones you`ve shown. Do you remember seeing any swirling before the detailed the car?

Please, don`t be discouraged from detailing just because of an unsuccessful start. As you learn more, you will become much knowledgeable and understand how to do the best for your car. Soon you`ll be addicted to it like I am :)

Oh, I couldn`t help but feel the desire to correct your spelling of Infiniti :) See, I`m OCD like that :grinno:

12-16-2006, 08:34 PM
Search around for the posts on black Infiniti paint; it`s soft. Very, very soft - so don`t feel too bad. You`ll be able to deal with that marring for sure, however I would pick up some Optimum Compound as well. OP will be good to finish (probably), but I don`t know that it will get out all of that marring.

12-16-2006, 10:09 PM
Ya, do not be discouraged. Anyone that has detailed has seen those marks. It is definitely fixable. The PC, with a cutting pad and a product like SSR2.5(I am sorry that I do not know the Optimum line) what ever is comparable. Then follow up with a finishing polish to take care of what is left after the heavier polish using the PC again with a polishing pad. It will take time but it is definitely within the PC realm to get the job done.

HAVE FUN!! It will all turn out very shiney.

12-16-2006, 10:41 PM
Exactly, the swirling seems heavy, but once you get into it with the polish and the machine you will realize that you can make short work of those swirls. From the picture it doesn`t seem like they are very deep and perfect for some light to medium polishing.

Don`t sweat it, you should have seen my car before I learned what I know now. It`ll turn out just fine.

Setec Astronomy
12-16-2006, 11:42 PM
BTW, never underestimate the power of a dealer to mess up the paint on an expensive new car. Don`t ask me how I know.

12-16-2006, 11:49 PM
I would guess that 2 passes of FPII would take that out...no im not on drugs.

12-17-2006, 12:42 AM
BTW, never underestimate the power of a dealer to mess up the paint on an expensive new car. Don`t ask me how I know.

Believe me, there are horror stories, if people will there are plenty of threads devoted to dealing with the dealer swirls.

I remember a recent one about a dealer messing up a cermaiclear merc. finish...

With out knowing how the car was before when your purchased it under hologens, I wouldnt count out the dealer.

See if any autopians live near you maybe that could help as well = P