View Full Version : Ferarri Swirls........ ??

12-13-2006, 03:29 PM
I`m looking to detail my first Fsrrari, it`s a black 360. Swirls are pretty bad, but I`ve seen a lot worse on other cars.

Is there anything different with Ferrari clear that I should know about??

I`m used to working on Vette clear which is pretty hard so I`m hoping it`s about the same.

Anyone do serious correction on exotics??

Thanks, Josh

the other pc
12-13-2006, 04:39 PM
I’ve only worked on one black Modena and it was in pretty good condition to begin with. The paint was about average for workability. We had no surprises or problems.

It did have lots of nooks and crannies. Taping is highly recommended.


12-13-2006, 10:27 PM
I’ve only worked on one black Modena and it was in pretty good condition to begin with. The paint was about average for workability. We had no surprises or problems.

It did have lots of nooks and crannies. Taping is highly recommended.


Alright thanks, I`ll keep that in mind.

12-13-2006, 10:31 PM
Ferrari Paint is very soft! Make sure you have plenty of good quality MF towels and your pads are in good shape. Becareful around edges as they are pretty thin paint wise.

12-14-2006, 12:04 AM
Ferrari Paint is very soft! Make sure you have plenty of good quality MF towels and your pads are in good shape. Becareful around edges as they are pretty thin paint wise.

Thanks Chris, I have a PC (rotary on the way) so I`m not worried about burning it. Honestly thought it would be much harder clear then what I had on my vette. Guess it sounds like it`s going to be softer after all.

12-14-2006, 12:56 AM
Oh yea its very soft. Anything more aggresive than Menzerna FPII and polish pad will prolly micromarr. Keep in mind that in general softer paint is easier to correct, BUT since it is a softer clear, the swirls are usually deeper than those with harder clears.

12-14-2006, 09:22 AM
Oh yea its very soft. Anything more aggresive than Menzerna FPII and polish pad will prolly micromarr. Keep in mind that in general softer paint is easier to correct, BUT since it is a softer clear, the swirls are usually deeper than those with harder clears.

In order to remove the swirls I usually see slight micrmarring, but I always clean them off with some polish and white pad, I figure the same for the Modena right??

12-14-2006, 09:57 AM
Nope. Nothing special. As bluecls stated, it`s a tad soft. But I`ve experienced no difficulty correcting and finishing Ferrari paint. If you`re using a PC, make sure you add an extra polishing step to your quote, cause your going to need to use very little pressure, a Green P2 (AB pad...least micro-marring pad I`ve found), and a great polish (PO106FF or FPII) to keep from leaving the "PC Haze."