View Full Version : Prove to Me Some Waxes "Yellow" Paint

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12-09-2006, 04:44 AM
I just finished reading a M16 vs. M26 thread wherein the discussion turned into whether or not some waxes can "yellow" paint. Personally, I have never seen it and find the idea rather absurd. Some have posted seeing a difference after stripping M26 and applying other LSPs.

No one has posted a senario where an actual side-by-side comparison was done. People only posted about before/after results when switching from a wax like M26 to something like Zaino. I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone can rely solely on memory to determine whether or not one product is actually clearer than another. Additionally, I imagine few here will actually wax a car with M26 and immediately strip it off to replace it with Zaino or whatever. Most likely, the allegedly "yellowing" wax will be an older application. Prepping the car and applying any new product will result in a shinier, more reflective finsh that looks better than the months old application of "yellowing" wax.

If anyone thinks some waxes can actually "yellow" (or any other color, for that matter) paint, please post some proof here.

How about photos of a white hood that`s been prepped and had a "yellowing" wax applied ( like maybe 5 coats of M26 ) on one side vs. something "clear" like Zaino on the other?

Both products appplied to the same panel, each side identically prepped - not an old application of M26 vs. newly applied Zaino.

Note: My use of the word yellow or yellowing is not meant to imply tinting - just a yellow appearance.

12-09-2006, 09:10 AM
I really don`t think anything is going to "yellow" paint, unless you use something with terrible optical clarity. If it did, it would probably be so subtle that it wouldn`t show in photos. In my experience, carnauba doesn`t really yellow the paint, but distorts it in such a way that it gives a percieved "warmth" and depth that highly reflective and ultra clear sealants can`t match.

12-09-2006, 09:35 AM
I really don`t think anything is going to "yellow" paint, unless you use something with terrible optical clarity. If it did, it would probably be so subtle that it wouldn`t show in photos. In my experience, carnauba doesn`t really yellow the paint, but distorts it in such a way that it gives a percieved "warmth" and depth that highly reflective and ultra clear sealants can`t match.

I agree 100%. I enter my cars in several higher end car shows where there are cars that are being campaigned nationally. Most of these cars never see rain nor a wash bucket with water and have hundreds of applications of wax and QDs without stripping or polishing (notice I said applications and not layers) over a couple of years and I have never heard nor seen the comments about wax yellowing. Some of cars have crew that have shown cars for the builders that have been on the circuit for years, believe me if the wax was yellowing these guys would switch because it is all about winning and the size of thier paychecks. :D

12-09-2006, 11:54 AM
apply a clear sealant to a section of white paint and then apply various other products and decide for yourself. I have some test sections on our white pickup. Zaino vs Duragloss. The Duragloss has a SLIGHTLY yellowish tinge (warmth) compared to Zaino. When I used 845 on the vehicle it looked more yellowish or warm compared to the NXT that was previously on it. Yellow might not be totally correct terminology but there are differences of appearance between products.

12-09-2006, 01:40 PM
I can`t post a pic or offer any evidence, so this might be a useless post (wouldn`t be my first one of those ;) ) but there`s a pearl white Cadillac DTS in my area with a *distict* yellow cast to it. It`s so noticeable that I thought that was how that paint looked until I started checking out other ones with the same paint. The car in question is always *very* clean and shiny, but it also looks uniformly more yellow than others in that color. I figure it`s something to do with the products on it, but I dunno for sure :nixweiss

Only time I ever got "yellowing" I attributed it to dirt trapped between the wax layers. This was back before clay came out, on my Jag, which got waxed with Malm`s after every wash (i.e., every time it got driven). After a while the silver paint started looking "tarnished" so I polished off all the wax...got a lot of yellowish stuff on my buffing cloths but I somehow think it was contamination and not the yellow pigment from the Malm`s. Not sure though, it`s not like the car was *ever* actually "dirty" during that time; rinse water was clean after every wash so it`s another :nixweiss

12-09-2006, 02:20 PM
I remember reading an article that paint will turn yellow from UV rays. I would think if you use an LSP that contains UV inhibitors that it would stop or at least slow this process down. Similar to using sunblock on your skin.

12-09-2006, 02:30 PM
I remember reading an article that paint will turn yellow from UV rays. I would think if you use an LSP that contains UV inhibitors that it would stop or at least slow this process down. Similar to using sunblock on your skin.

I agree. Wax and sealants are made to prevent yellowing and should not cause it.

12-09-2006, 02:45 PM
I agree. Wax and sealants are made to prevent yellowing and should not cause it.

Waxes and sealants don`t cause yellowing, as in the paint turning yellow, but the layer of product on the paint gives a yellowish tint to the paint(which I have never witnessed, but others claim to have seen). `

How is the sun going to turn your paint yellow? Seriously, that makes no sense. You don`t see 5 year old white cars looking yellow from the sun(they may take on this hue from the dirt in the paint), but it`s not anything that won`t polish off.

12-09-2006, 04:08 PM
I remember WAAAY back I used Mother`s 3 stage wax on my black car. When I was done the car had this yellowish-brownish look to it, soon after I found Autogylm Super Resin Polish and it removed it right away and I never got that look again. That was on the only wax(Mothers) that did that to my car.

Setec Astronomy
12-09-2006, 04:58 PM
I can`t post a pic or offer any evidence, so this might be a useless post (wouldn`t be my first one of those ;) ) but there`s a pearl white Cadillac DTS in my area with a *distict* yellow cast to it. It`s so noticeable that I thought that was how that paint looked until I started checking out other ones with the same paint. The car in question is always *very* clean and shiny, but it also looks uniformly more yellow than others in that color. I figure it`s something to do with the products on it, but I dunno for sure :nixweiss

I dunno Acc (can I call you Acc?), but in the middle of that whole #26 thread yesterday I was out and saw a pearl white DTS and when it turned and got at a certain angle it was distinctly yellow...and it would have to be the biggest coincidence ever if it had #26 on it...or if it was even WAXED.

12-09-2006, 05:35 PM
UV rays can yellow clear coat or at least the older clear coats, it takes a long time.

If wax did yellow clear coat, then the turtle wax colored wax would really do a number on paint, I don`t believe it can, but if you lay down some candle wax and leave it on it will start to yellow but would bead like no other :chuckle:

David Fermani
12-10-2006, 08:51 AM
How is the sun going to turn your paint yellow?

Because the sun is Yellow. :LOLOL

Just kidding. :D

12-10-2006, 01:26 PM
..yesterday I was out and saw a pearl white DTS and when it turned and got at a certain angle it was distinctly yellow...and it would have to be the biggest coincidence ever if it had #26 on it...or if it was even WAXED.

OK, could be they`re all that way and I just somehow never noticed before :nixweiss What I know about Caddy pearl white wouldn`t fill a thimble ;) Pretty awful looking IMO though, at least compared to the pearls I *do* know about...to each their own..

12-10-2006, 11:34 PM
There was a thread a while back on the Meguires site where Mike Phillips explained that the "yellowing" was an urban legend!

12-11-2006, 06:32 AM
There was a thread a while back on the Meguires site where Mike Phillips explained that the "yellowing" was an urban legend!

He`s right.