View Full Version : ONR Wash for Wheels

12-08-2006, 03:32 PM
Usually when I wash my car, I use a spoke brush to clean the wheels. I usually spray with a wheel cleaner first, then rinse, then using regular soap and a spoke brush, I scrub the rims.

A while back I saw a lambswool spoke brush. I thought "Hey what a cool idea". Then I thought that brake dust is pretty tough and I would do better to stick with my current brush that can really agitate the brake dust and get it off the rim.

Now that it`s 17 degrees outside, I`m stuck washing ONR style for a while. Now I`m wondering if it`s ok to use my spoke brush with ONR. My gut tells me no. Then I remembered the lambswool brush.

Anyone ever use one of those? Did it work? I would think that you wouldn`t get many uses out of it. But it only has to last the winter for me.

12-08-2006, 04:59 PM
My lambswool brush just bit the dust after using it for the better part of a year. In fact, I was using it with DP 4-in-1 (DP version of ONR). It was working very well until it fell apart. I don`t think the product had anything to do with the brush falling apart. It was already on it`s last legs I think.

12-08-2006, 11:33 PM
Yeah I had a wool wheel brush also but it was discontinuted. Was it called the wooly?

12-09-2006, 12:33 AM
How about trying a solution of ONR in a spray bottle to pre-treat? Then maybe a bug sprayer with ONR solution to rinse?

12-09-2006, 02:00 AM
My lambs wool brush didn`t last long at all.. I`ve been using AW on my wheels with ONR and warm water yesterday with a spoke brush.. i`ll post up some pics tomorrow..




12-09-2006, 10:29 AM
I don`t use wheel wax due to the time it takes per wheel..so i started to use AW as wheel sealant with great durability and easy clean up,no more harsh whhel cleaners.

After shot of the wheels with ONR withwarm water agitated using a wheel brush and a spoke brush.

