View Full Version : My thoughts on Zaino products/ Very impressed

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12-01-2006, 03:07 PM
Here are my thoughts on these zaino products and the results were better than I had thought or ever expected. I think I am going to an annoying zaino user now:aww: :LOLOL

ZPC paint cleaner polish

Well I just tried the new zpc paint cleaner with a lc white pad on a pc and the results were very impressive. It finished off very clean, clear, and glossy. Very little to no dust and it wiped off very easily. Very close to menzerna 106ff but without the dust. Does not chaulk up and get stuck in the cracks. I think it is an excellent swirl remover and an excellent color brightner!:2thumbs: Very easy to use and very time consuming! You must try this one! Ease of use is a 10

mixing z-5 pro with zfx

At first when you here that you have to mix things it can be very overwhelming and everyone is looking for an easy product to just put on. Well, mixing z-5 pro in a small zfx bottle with 5-10 drops of zfx and a couple squirts of z-8 and shake is actually FUN and very easy to do. It was too easy. Opening an average bottle of a sealant and just put it on with no mixing just won`t feel normal any more. It will feel like I am missing something now.

z-5 pro with zfx

After wasting literally 2 minutes of mixing and shaking I applied the first coat of z-5 pro by hand with a cotton applicator from zaino and applied a thin coat on the paint, some trim, and glass. It was very easy to apply and did the first coat in 20 minutes. I let it dry for 30 minutes and removed it. Came off very very easy and did not dust at all. It even left the trim very glossy and left no residue in the cracks at all. I did a quick wipe down with z-6 and applied the second coat of z-5. This came off even better.

The results were beyond fantastic and was probably the easiest products I have used. All came off very clean and clear and most important there was no residue. It was a time saver. 2 coats goes on and comes off easy and I mean very easy! Ease of use was a 10 also :2thumbs:

End results and final thoughts

The paint looked very wet and extremely glossy even under the flouresant lights. Now I know why people say it is the best polish for indoor use. It left no streaking and came right off with ease and was very easy to use. It left a very soft and extremely slick surface. The clarity is so clear and bright and looked very thick. I am beyond impressed with these products in every aspect! If you have not tries this system then I would not waste my money on anything else. I have spent thousands of dollars on polishes and nothing compares to zaino in looks and ease of use. I know it costs more money for the z-5 with the zfx, but it very easy to apply and saves time. Time is money and especially if you are detailing for money you can easily charge an extra $50 more for the zaino protection which will make you more profit and save you time also. The looks speak for themselves!

Is Zaino worth the extra money? HELL YA!:goodjob

You can spend the couple extra bucks on zaino or you can spend hundreds on trying to find something that will be like zaino and in the end results you will end up with zaino as your last choice. Cause after zaino you will not buy anything else! Trust me...I use to get annoyed by people preaching about zaino and now here I am....A Zaino user:woohoo:

Hope this helps people in the future in saving time and money and also having an amazing glow and shine! I am not a zaino follower, I am just a proud zaino user!

12-01-2006, 03:09 PM
Talk is talk,


Nuff said...:D

12-01-2006, 03:21 PM
That`s funny...I will post some pics up as soon as it stops raining.

12-01-2006, 03:34 PM
I`m in Manchester. I use zaino on my BMW with excellent results. I also use other products on my 4Runner just to try them out, but Zaino has been my fav sealant so far.


12-01-2006, 03:51 PM
Great Review! Your thoughts are the same as mine, as it really doesn`t get any better than zaino, IMHO. Looking forward to pics!!

P.S. wait until you see it bead, and wash it for the first time. You will be in disbelief and will have a new idea of what slick means. :)


12-01-2006, 03:55 PM
The only other sealant that I do love is the fk1 1000p paste sealant, but it is a pain to put on and take off. Z-5 pro came very very close to the same thick shine in 3 hours less time and I still have my arm left. 1000p has a very unique thick glow and z-5 pro came in almost tie and trust me that was a hard to glow to beat. fk-1 1000p is way to much work and Z-5 pro is easy on easy off. z-5 pro is now a winner!

12-01-2006, 03:57 PM
The only other sealant that I do love is the fk1 1000p paste sealant, but it is a pain to put on and take off. Z-5 pro came very very close to the same thick shine in 3 hours less time and I still have my arm left. 1000p has a very unique thick glow and z-5 pro came in almost tie and trust me that was a hard to glow to beat. fk-1 1000p is way to much work and Z-5 pro is easy on easy off. z-5 pro is now a winner!

Did you get any Z8 to play around with?


12-01-2006, 04:06 PM
z8 is just amazing

12-01-2006, 04:10 PM
Great Review! Your thoughts are the same as mine, as it really doesn`t get any better than zaino, IMHO. Looking forward to pics!!

P.S. wait until you see it bead, and wash it for the first time. You will be in disbelief and will have a new idea of what slick means. :)


Funny I was waiting for you to reply! I knew this thread would get all the zaino top dogs to chime in.

I have been following your posts and other posts by g35stiles (sean) some time now and I remember when you used to use fk1 products with great results. Then when you went to zaino your pictures really came to life even more. Then in one of your post you said zaino was your new favorite product. I knew I had to try the new pro series and now I am loving it! By the way great work on all the details that you have done and your cavilier is glowing!!!!

12-01-2006, 04:15 PM
oh ya I almost forgot...Z-8 gives a hard shell glossy look that was really impressive. It only takes a half a trigger to do a panel. A little goes a long way! I did not have any streaking problems at all. It made my windows and plastic look better than brand new!

12-01-2006, 04:19 PM
Funny I was waiting for you to reply! I knew this thread would get all the zaino top dogs to chime in.

I have been following your posts and other posts by g35stiles (sean) some time now and I remember when you used to use fk1 products with great results. Then when you went to zaino your pictures really came to life even more. Then in one of your post you said zaino was your new favorite product. I knew I had to try the new pro series and now I am loving it! By the way great work on all the details that you have done and your cavilier is glowing!!!!

Thanks for your kind comments :)


12-01-2006, 04:54 PM
I`m glad you enjoyed the products. Z-8 is really a groundbreaking product I think. It really adds another layer of sealant and slickness extending durability nicely.

imported_Detailing Technology
12-01-2006, 05:03 PM
"mixing z-5 pro in a small zfx bottle with 5-10 drops of zfx and a couple squirts of z-8 and shake"

Where did you get this formula? How did the Z8 do in the mix? I assume from reading the post, you havent used Zaino prior to this, you couldn`t compare this formula to a non Z8 formula.

12-01-2006, 05:09 PM
Zaino really is the best, IMO. My detailing products have dwindled down to almost exclusively Zaino!

You`ll also find that the shine and appearance improves after 24 hours. It just seems like it takes some time to competely bond. I use ZFX every time I adda coat, ZFX just makes it that much better and easier to apply and remove. I havnt tried the Z5Pro yet but I`m just about ready for a new order and it will include the Z5Pro.

Great review, lets here how you feel about the product after a couple washes, I`ll gaurentee you`ll come back with some nice comments.

12-01-2006, 05:17 PM
"mixing z-5 pro in a small zfx bottle with 5-10 drops of zfx and a couple squirts of z-8 and shake"

Where did you get this formula? How did the Z8 do in the mix? I assume from reading the post, you havent used Zaino prior to this, you couldn`t compare this formula to a non Z8 formula.

I used the old zaino z-2 many years ago and it was pretty good. But I was always after the wet look. After hearing how the new z-5 pro was amazing and wet I came back to try it.

I have read in a bunch of posts from the top guys a couple squirts of z-8 along with the zfx help spread better and makes for a better gloss! They were right! It`s a secret:grinno:

Z-8 did great in the mix!