View Full Version : Diamondite Speed Clay : Autogeek free gift

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11-30-2006, 03:27 AM
Well I was totaly psyched to receive my free gift.

I was a Diamondite Speed Clay system and DP swirl remover (32oz)

The Speed clay consited of:

1 `clay` sponge thingy

1 can of whipped cream... errr i mean clay lube

1 bottle of wax/sealant

1 applicator

1 MF towel

So I completely wash my car using ONR. then read the directions. Soak clay sponge for 3 min w/ warm water. Then rinse out but keep damp. Apply the clay foam... it looks and feels like you are applying whipped cream spray to you car... :p Then I am supposed to rub the sponge in the foam and this is supposed to clay my car. While I did feel it claying... when I went to rub off the clay cream... the stuff puts up a fight. First its dripping down my car, though its nooks and cranies. The suff is white on my dark green car... anypart that I couldnt wipe was going to be staying. 2nd the cream it self is very VERY difficult to remove, while wiping it up it dies, and it dries with a haze. So there I am furiously trying to get rid of this clay lube off my paint.... while 1third of the rear of my car (trunk down to exhaust) is now white. I am damn near ready to cry! :cry: The process was to difficult, messy, and counterintutive... I dont know who`s idea was it to call it SPEED CLAY... because it definately would take longer to use that claying system that a traditional clay bar with QD.

The wax/sealant though its pretty good. It leaves the paint feeling pretty silky, but its a PITA to remove... felt like it was just a bit easier to remove than a thick coating of Klasse SG

The MF towel is nice. not much to say there.

All in all that speed clay system was more of a lump of coal than a gift. :grrr

(though I`m pretty sure the DP swirl remover will be pretty good, though I did get the full optimum package... so I wont use it much, i`ll still try it)

I forgot to say, I also tried using Megs QD by itself and while the sponge did not mar the car it also did clay very well.

11-30-2006, 09:01 AM
I have an order coming in today, probably same Diamondite Speed Clay stuff as gift. If that`s your experience I`ll probably never use it, maybe better to use the clay sponge with the ONR clay lube?

11-30-2006, 09:07 AM
Damn I was hoping to hear good things about this since I got the same thing as my free gift along with an interior Schmitt. I`m guessing you`re not the type to wash the car after claying to get rid of lube and clay excess? How easy do you think the white cream would come off if you brought the hose out after doing a panel and trying to rinse it off before it dries? Is the paint as smooth with this process as it is with a regular clay job?

11-30-2006, 10:15 AM
Maybe you were supposed to wipe off the residue sooner...

I`m sure theres some way to do it faster and easier, but the instructions probably aren`t that good.

I got the same thing as a gift, and I was anxious to try it on my mom`s car. Only thing scaring me was the clay foam sponge. Seemed very coarse.

11-30-2006, 10:29 AM
I first tried the diamondite product back in 04(I think) and never could get it to work for me. It is definitely *not* faster than traditional claying, and not nearly as effective. The sealant was horrible IMO, it welded to the finish even with whisper thin application. I tried them on several different vehicles before putting both in the trash. IMO, diamondite should go back to drawing board.

11-30-2006, 10:58 AM
I actually enjoyed using the Speed Clay. I did the whole car, and then power-washed all the residue off and then did another washing. I could see if you were using ONR to clean the car, it would be a hassle because for me, the PW really cleaned off the excess clay. If you don`t like using it for the whole car, its still a great product for cleaning your windows.

11-30-2006, 11:11 AM
I actually enjoyed using the Speed Clay. I did the whole car, and then power-washed all the residue off and then did another washing. I could see if you were using ONR to clean the car, it would be a hassle because for me, the PW really cleaned off the excess clay. If you don`t like using it for the whole car, its still a great product for cleaning your windows.

I guess if I had all day to clay a car that would work great. :D

11-30-2006, 02:37 PM
Maybe you were supposed to wipe off the residue sooner...

I`m sure theres some way to do it faster and easier, but the instructions probably aren`t that good.

I got the same thing as a gift, and I was anxious to try it on my mom`s car. Only thing scaring me was the clay foam sponge. Seemed very coarse.

Its gets pretty soft while in warm water for 3 min.

The clay lube was still foamy and `liquidy` while I was wiping it off... while wiping it is were it leaves behind dried streaks of it self.

11-30-2006, 08:40 PM
Anybody else have experience with this I just got the same thing.

11-30-2006, 10:11 PM
I got this free gift too from AG. I also got DP`s Spray Sealant in a 16oz bottle which looks real nice. (Anyone else get this too?)

Anyway, I was planning on using the clay to do windows on my brother`s Jetta wagon that is covered in water spots and a dirty film from being parked under a tree. But I plan on washing the windows again after claying.

I guess we know why AG is getting rid of it! It`s obviously terrible.

11-30-2006, 10:35 PM
Yea that sucks, I was really hoping to get something I would use. I don`t really need the interior Shmitt I got either, I have most of my interior supplies I`m used to already that work fine for me. Wish I had gotten the big Guzzler MF towel like some people did.

11-30-2006, 11:06 PM
Maybe I will use this for the wheel only and use a real clay bar for the body.

11-30-2006, 11:34 PM
HMMM We have been using it for a couple of years here. Never had a problem. Its always worked great for us especially around bumpers, curves and windows.(as far as autos) We use it more on bikes since there is so much rubber and vinyl that clay tends to stick to when rubbed against.

The foam should be foamy and stay foamy....maybe AG has a bad batch.

And yes the foam is the same as in their glass cleaning kit.

12-01-2006, 12:08 AM
I received the Diamondite gift as well. I`ll try it out on a small area sometime to see how it goes. Maybe just use it for windows or something. Fortunately the other gift I received was an Ultimate Guzzler WW. Now that`s something I was actually in need of and am looking forward to using. :)

12-15-2006, 02:41 AM
I finally tried out the Diamondite Speed Clay. After the bad reviews I`ve read I was expecting the worst. Got everything ready and let the sponge sit in warm water for a bit, applied the foam onto the sponge and then smeared it around covering half the windshield. My car is already clayed, the windshield was the only part that hadn`t been clayed so thats why my test was on glass and not on the paint since there is nothing to clean off.

After spreading it around I started scrubbing, first horizontal and then vertical lines. I couldn`t feel anything like you do with regular clay when its doing its job. I worked on it for maybe two minutes and then stopped. Dampened an MF towel and tried to wipe it off. The original poster was NOT kidding, this stuff leaves a streak on the windshield reminiscent of RainX, only you can`t wipe it off. I grabbed some IG and went to work. I think it took me like 3 minutes of nonstop wiping until I got it off.

At this point I was obviously irritated. When I was working it in it didn`t feel like it was cleaning anything and then after that I had that big mess to buff off. My only relief was when I did the finger-test and noticed the huge difference between I side I just did and the side that hadn`t been "clayed". I proceeded to do the other side and encountered the same cleaning problems. Curiously I found a good method to getting the streaks out was to just use your hands palms down on the glass, wipe around a bit and then go at it with the MF and its all clear.

So the final verdict for me: glad I got a free gift from AG and it DOES work, but its not better than regular claying in any way. The small amount of time you save not having to knead the clay you lose having to clean up the foam residue left behind. Its not a product I would buy. I could get two Megs Clay Kits for the price.