View Full Version : Autoglym resin polish compatible with Zaino?

Kyle 87
11-29-2006, 07:37 PM
I thought I used to take good care of my car, but after coming here I`m seeing more and more imperfections in my paint.

As much as I want to, I really don`t think I would be comfortable with, and don`t have the money for a machine polishing regime. So this means for the time being I`ll be doing everything by hand, just to get a feel for how everything works.

After reading the swirl remover by hand thread, I`d like to try out the Autoglym Super Resin Polish, since it seems to do quite a good job for for what it is.

I was planning on ordering some Z-5 and Zfx for sealant, but since the Autoglym is a sealant also, would I run into some problems with compatibility? Or would I be better off with a completely different set of products?

Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the possible products so any help or general guidance is appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to mention, durability is the number one thing I am looking for in a sealant, as I`m a full time student I don`t have as much time to spend keeping my car in shape as I would like, and would like for whatever I end up putting on my car to last for a few months(probably be able to wash every 2-3 weeks, but I hardly ever drive anywhere).

11-30-2006, 01:56 PM
Kyle 87- Welcome to Autopia!

As an retired teacher I like that your being a student means you don`t want to be detailing all the time; gotta prioritize :D

Though I don`t use Zaino, I know people who do and I`d be astounded if it bonds OK to the SRP (which I *do* use, have for years). I`d just top the SRP with Collinite wax (like 476S), it`ll last a long, long time, probably a whole semester if you get a few coats on there. The SRP/Collinite combo is one that simply *works*. I`m perfectly comfortable/confident recommending that approach for your situation, even with an impending Ohio winter. FWIW I have Collinite 476S on my winter vehicle and I don`t plan on redoing it any time soon ;)

11-30-2006, 02:00 PM
I am not all that familiar with the AG resin polish, but from what you gather, it is a sealant, which would make me lean towards it not being best for the zaino system. I would recommend using a pure polish prior to the zaino system. If durability is your thing then your going to be thrilled with the Zaino. IIRC, didnt menzerna FPII get high ratings in the swirl removal by hand test? If so, it makes a nice base for zaino.


11-30-2006, 02:04 PM
Where can you get the Autoglym Super Resin Polish?

11-30-2006, 02:26 PM
Where can you get the Autoglym Super Resin Polish?

It`s been a while since I ordered any (got a huge bottle of it from someplace, maybe Open Road...) but IIRC you can get SRP at Classic Motoring Accessories - Car Care and Detailing Supplies (http://www.properautocare.com/). If they don`t still have it you`ll have to look around a little, but a `net-search will bring up some sources, it`s not all that hard to find online.

Kyle 87
11-30-2006, 06:15 PM
Kyle 87- Welcome to Autopia!

As an retired teacher I like that your being a student means you don`t want to be detailing all the time; gotta prioritize :D

Though I don`t use Zaino, I know people who do and I`d be astounded if it bonds OK to the SRP (which I *do* use, have for years). I`d just top the SRP with Collinite wax (like 476S), it`ll last a long, long time, probably a whole semester if you get a few coats on there. The SRP/Collinite combo is one that simply *works*. I`m perfectly comfortable/confident recommending that approach for your situation, even with an impending Ohio winter. FWIW I have Collinite 476S on my winter vehicle and I don`t plan on redoing it any time soon ;)

Thanks for the insight, I kept adding zaino products into my basket and it seemed to just keep adding up, zfx for 20 bucks just seems a little excessive.

One more question, it is super resin polish. The first time I`ll most likely do the entire car, it just seems to need it, but after that should I only use it on problem spots? Or should I put on the SRP 3-4 times a year before I put on another coat of collinite?

Heh, my arms/shoulders are going to hate me.

11-30-2006, 07:00 PM
Kyle 87- Heh heh, nah, it`s pretty user-friendly stuff so IMO it won`t be a huge chore to use.

I dunno about how much of a "polish" it really is, and people`s experiences seem to vary. Any corrective ability is *IMO* very limited; I wouldn`t expect it to remove any marring or do stuff like that. Cleaner-wise it`s not as effective as Klasse AIO (side-by-side testing) but it`ll almost certainly be good enough, especially if you clay first.

I`d approach it this way: do the whole car and get a few coats of a good wax on it. Then just wash it, maybe applying a leaves-something-behind type of QD as you`re drying it. After a while you`ll notice the wax isn`t the same...not as slick, not beading as well, etc. At that point I`d gently spot-clay anything that needs it (tar, bugs, etc.) and just reapply the wax. That oughta get you through a fairly long timeframe. You *could* reapply the SRP before rewaxing, but IMO it probably won`t be absolutely necessary. Then the *second* time you notice the wax needs redone, reapply the SRP before rewaxing.

Or you can do the car in sections, one/two panels at a time after a wash. This can be a good idea for areas that get a lot of abuse, like rocker panels. If doing that, I`d clay, SRP, and wax; the SRPing won`t take but a few minutes.

I used vague expressions like "a fairly long timeframe" because people`s experiences vary to such a huge degree. The SRP/Collinite 476S combo is so long-lasting that I genuinely don`t think durability is gonna be a problem for you.

Kyle 87
11-30-2006, 08:04 PM
It`ll be outside 24/7, but from what I`ve searched about the products It seems that they should last well enough for my purposes. Thanks everyone, especially accumulator, you`ve been a great help, now time to order the stuff and some tools. :xyxthumbs