View Full Version : S100 on metallic paint?

04-15-2005, 01:36 PM
Has anyone ever tried S100 as on LSP on metallic paint with AIO and SG? If so has is the depth/reflection?


~ Joe

04-15-2005, 03:38 PM
S100 is a great product but seems to darken colors and mute metallics a tad. At least from my experience. But it`s very deep and reflective. I still use it but not when I want to highlight the metal flakes in the my paint.

I haven`t used it over AIO and SG since I find they give a slightly bluish tint that I don`t care for on my green cars.

04-15-2005, 03:45 PM
My car is a medium blue, probably should have said that first, maybe AIO and SG will draw more of the blue out of my car...is the blue tint only is certain lighting or is it all around? Has anyone else experience this effect from AIO and SG together? :confused:

04-16-2005, 06:54 AM
My car is a medium blue, probably should have said that first, maybe AIO and SG will draw more of the blue out of my car...is the blue tint only is certain lighting or is it all around? Has anyone else experience this effect from AIO and SG together? :confused:

I notice it with indoor lighting - a mix of incandescent, halogen and flourscent in my case. It`s very faint. Not overpowering at all. Just a little tinge.

04-16-2005, 10:13 AM
Ok thanks dalmore...I`ll give it a shot and I`ll make sure I take some pics. :bigups