View Full Version : Meg apc Question

11-24-2006, 02:37 AM
With meg apc cut 10 to one on interior do i just wipe everything down with it i dont have to rinse it off do I? Will it leave a oily resadue or leave a stickey mess on my dash?

Also what does it smell like weired question i know

Thanks Ryan

11-24-2006, 03:44 AM
APC+ is what I use and it smells like orange citrus. You dont have to rinse.. I spray a MF towel and wife things down. It doesnt leave anything on the surface... just clean.

11-24-2006, 12:54 PM
On the website it does not say it can be used on vinel like the reg apc does can it?

11-24-2006, 11:36 PM
anyone have any ideas?

11-25-2006, 12:18 AM
If you mean the APC they sell now (no plus, its green colored), you just have to wipe down surfaces. The instructions on the back say to "wipe down surfaces then wipe dry with another cloth" or something to that effect, but I don`t think its necessary since I don`t think anyone here is really drenching surfaces with APC.

And yes, its made for interior surfaces (primarily, although it is indeed all purpose) so it should be fine for most vinyl.

It smells strongly like ... soap. I don`t know how else do desribe. Take the generic soap smell, and make it strong, and there you have it.

Also, you probably don`t want to be breathing it in all day. I was feeling a little short on breath after spending an hour or so with my head in my footwell with some APC... but that`s another story.

I don`t know why they say its a "severe skin and eye irritant" and such... it sort of scares me.. what the heck is in APC?!