View Full Version : I finally did it! I`m no longer a virgin!

11-21-2006, 12:29 PM
Well, I decided Saturday was the day. I finally pulled it in! It was a tight squeeze, but it was good. I got her a lil wet first, then proceeded to rub her all over. Of course I used protection as it was my first time. I sure did need alot of lubrication.

I couldn`t believe how well the ONR worked! It was my first time using it (Ordered from Danase) and I will admit I was nervous as hell trying it. I mixed a few capfuls in a 32 oz spary bottle to pre-treat although my car wasn`t really that dirty. In a 5 gallon bucket, I originally mixed the proper dilution of ONR to water for 4 gallons but it didn`t really look like anything other than straight water. It didn`t even feel slick. So I remebered that most guys on here use double and I did that and added a bit more for good measure. I was still worried because I was expecting more lubricity. I used a sheepskin and rinse bucket. It appeared to slide over the paint just fine and no signs of additional marring. The G definitely looked pretty good after the wash.

My only concern is if I was using enough ONR. I probably had triple the amount required and I expected the mitt to glide as if it were on ice but it didn`t. Am I doing something wrong or is that normal.

11-21-2006, 12:35 PM
just be careful around the tailpipe:nervous:

11-21-2006, 12:46 PM
Congrats on giving up the V-card...........to ONR. I have only used QEW and it slides but not so much that I am impressed. As long as it doesn`t marr then it must be working. Your G has soft black paint so it will be easy to tell if you`re doing it right or not. She will complain if you`re not doing it right (the car that is).

11-21-2006, 01:41 PM
Funny, I lost my ONR virginity for the first time Saturday too. I think I was about as nervous as you were.....it`s hard when you don`t know how to rub just right in all the right spots on your first time.

I had a moderately dirty car from road spray/rain/dust and the ONR worked very well. I started with a sheepskin mitt but switched to a waffle weave towel and it seemed to work better. I noticed too that the sheepskin mitt didn`t seem to slide as well as the ww. I only added 50% more ONR than called for to my water.

I`m still reserving my judgement, it just seems so hard to believe that marring won`t result from washing this way, but I trust the experts here who swear by it. Time will tell.

11-21-2006, 02:14 PM
Funny, I lost my ONR virginity for the first time Saturday too. I think I was about as nervous as you were.....it`s hard when you don`t know how to rub just right in all the right spots on your first time.

Wait wait...You two lost your virginity together? Do I see positive karma being passed in between your two in the near future? Glad your (ONR) experience together was amazing.

HAHAHA all joking aside I absolutely love ONR. Thanks for the good laugh! :)

11-21-2006, 04:32 PM
The direction this thread is going is making me :rofl

11-21-2006, 04:55 PM
I remember my first. Finished way faster than I thought, and left a puddle underneath...

11-21-2006, 05:18 PM
I remember my first. Finished way faster than I thought

Isn`t that the way many first experiences happen? :grinno:

All this talk about ONR it may be something I will try in the future. I am not sure it`s necessary for me though since the winter isn`t harsh down here.

11-21-2006, 05:39 PM
i too was very nervous going through my first gallon of onr, give it time and itll be second nature.

11-21-2006, 07:17 PM
I remember my first. Finished way faster than I thought, and left a puddle underneath...

As long as you didn`t have to sleep in the puddle, all is well.

I lost mine to QEW in 1993, if I remember right. Lost it to ONR in late 2005.

11-21-2006, 10:21 PM
I remember my first. Finished way faster than I thought, and left a puddle underneath...


11-21-2006, 10:27 PM
Hmmm.....Very interesting!!!

11-21-2006, 10:33 PM
Kind of gives new meaning to "felt like a warm bucket of water"

11-22-2006, 09:37 AM
The last symptom of the OCD is the confused affection for the car as though it was a woman and it was springtime love.

You fellas need to get out more...much more.


11-22-2006, 10:00 AM
Since last week, I have washed 5 cars with ONR. My expectations have been exceeded in all cases. One of the cars destroyed my sheepskin mitt, it is probably permantly black now since the car was so dirty.

With ONR, you have to put yourself in a state of vulnerability and cross over to the other side.
