View Full Version : Sealing or Waxing Clear Bra Ok?

11-20-2006, 07:09 PM
Is it fine to seal a clear bra? I thought it would be ok as long as the sealant had no cleaners in it or if the clear bra had a "clear coat" like coating.

I ask this because my friend who has an elise stated that he was told that he should not wax or seal his factory clear bra.


11-20-2006, 07:41 PM
Absolutely wax or seal it. I prefer to use a product like AIO first. Just make sure whatever you use has no abrasives. Basically, no intense polish or clay!!

11-20-2006, 08:36 PM
On my vehicle, I`ve found that the clear bra `swirls` just like paint, and using the pc and something like ssr2.5 dramatically improves the look of the clear bra. I then hit it with Plexus plastic polish/protectant..great stuff.

11-20-2006, 08:57 PM
I`d be a little concerned about using abrasive products on a clear bra... who knows how many times you can do that before wearing it off.

Besides, I think the durability and protection a clear bra provides comes from its full thickness... polishing it may be compromising its protection abilities.

This is my logic, however...

11-20-2006, 10:47 PM
I find using Prime Strong or SSR1 seems to work at clearing up any swirls in my clear bra. I don`t think I`d try anything much more abrasive.

And yes, use a LSP on it just like your paint.