View Full Version : I hate THIEVES!!!!!!!! v. Broken Into

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11-18-2006, 07:42 PM
Had packed up for THanksgiving and was going to load my car up and this is what I find.




Oh and they even got the paint!!:hairpull






Took, 2 12" Eclipse Subs, Rockford Fosgate 1000watt Amp, Passport X50 Radar dector, 20gig iPod and cleared out my change dish. Its going to be a long drive home with no driver`s window. So much for a full detail over Thanksgiving Break. I haven`t been this angry and years. I was not the only one hit. The truck 3 spots down was the same, but they ripped his deck out. Thank God for my phantom face headunit!!

11-18-2006, 09:21 PM
Damn. Thats just messed up. Sorry man :(

Was your ipod and passport in the open or hidden away? Were you bumping the music as you drove into the complex? Those thieving ```````s watch for things like that.

11-18-2006, 09:58 PM
How dark is your tint? Must have been somebody that knows you or heard your system if yours, and another truck got their equipment stolen and the other cars weren`t touched.

11-18-2006, 10:05 PM
It`s not even my vehicle but I still feel like :hairpull

That`s terrible... I wish scumbags and lowlives really had better things to do. Sometimes I find myself wishing cars would just explode when a thief tries to break into the car... insurance would then only total the car.

If only it was that easy...

11-18-2006, 11:54 PM
Sorry to hear that, I hate ****ing thieves.

David Fermani
11-19-2006, 12:16 AM
That`s terrible... I wish scumbags and lowlives really had better things to do. Sometimes I find myself wishing cars would just explode when a thief tries to break into the car... insurance would then only total the car.

If only it was that easy...

:funnypost I wish it were that easy too. Sounds like a good invention.

11-19-2006, 12:34 AM
My back windows are stock tint and my front are 20%. As for my radar it is mounted above my rearview mirror and is very hard to see unless you are in the car. My iPod was in my cassette compartment hidden. I don`t play music loud anywhere near campus for this reason. My car was not the only one hit that night, a car 3 spots down from mine was had his dashed ripped out. You can tell from the 2nd picture where they were looking into the back window. A few other cars had these same markings but werent broken into.

11-19-2006, 05:38 AM
This going to sound really nasty but, I did have a few razor blades glued in the back of my stereo,after the last one got stolen,I had the cd deck straped in from the back,I was thinking-

A,If the cut themselves it might dissuade them from taking the ice.

B,The police would get a DNA match,(after the blades had been removed)`must have cut himself on a shrp bit of metal,officer`

11-19-2006, 06:41 AM
here where i live, there was a crime spree and my truck got hit sitting 15 ft from the back of my house. they got my alpine cd, face only, change bowl and all my cds. i told the patrolman that came over to fill out the report that i hope the drugs that the guy who broke into mine gets are bad and kill him over... lol and the cop said thats one way to end this crime spree... i was like the 10th one hit in a 2 mile area... i am back to the factory stereo that came in my tacoma, hopefully they dont want to steal it...

11-19-2006, 10:13 AM
Wow, that sucks. It really blows when someone gets into your space like that, especially for car guys. At least you still have your truck. Years ago, I had a Caprice and they took the whole car (detailed that day). It was mint. When it was found, they had gutted the interior and worse than that, the NYC pound hit it with a forklift and then with another stolen car. :confused: Wasn`t even worth taking back.

11-19-2006, 10:19 AM
I`m sorry to hear/see that Beason. This is the time of year for break-ins. With everyone out holiday shopping there are plenty of targets. I work at an auto glass shop and I see more broken door glasses this time of year than I like to talk about. I`m very sorry that this happened to you....It sucks that some people just dont want to work for anything anymore...

11-19-2006, 10:36 AM
Very sorry to hear/see this. It is terribly unfortunate what some individuals will do.


11-19-2006, 11:14 AM
This going to sound really nasty but, I did have a few razor blades glued in the back of my stereo,after the last one got stolen,I had the cd deck straped in from the back,I was thinking-

A,If the cut themselves it might dissuade them from taking the ice.

B,The police would get a DNA match,(after the blades had been removed)`must have cut himself on a shrp bit of metal,officer`

Cool idea, but the blood might be a ***** to get out, LOL

11-19-2006, 01:41 PM
Unfortunately the apartments I live in just had this happen. The ironic thing is this is a gated community and the gate has been broken since we moved in in Feb. Well the day they finally had all the kinks out and it was working properly 5-8 cars were broken into that same night. Thanks god my mustang and the wife’s fusion were spared. Unfortunately now I`m paranoid at night and waking up to any little noise.

11-19-2006, 07:22 PM
My car was broken into twice in college. My brother`s car was stolen for the stereo and then abandoned five miles away. Luckily, they didn`t screw that one up too bad. It seems like about every two months, one of the cars in our apartment complex was broken into. My best friend had the wheels stolen off his car in his own driveway. Some people just have no respect for the hard work it takes in order to have nice things. :mad: The only car I have now that has an aftermarket stereo is 16 years old and the stereo is like 5 years old, so it`s not really worth touching. I am very happy about the fact that we now have all three cars in the garage at night. I sleep a little easier. I am very sorry about your loss. Given the amount of what was taken, you may be able to file a claim with your insurance and at least only be out the deductible.