View Full Version : Magical mistery called # 16

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11-14-2006, 03:03 AM
I know this product has been discontinued but I am just curious to understand what motivates people to keep looking for it. Can somebody clue me in, please?

Please interpret my question as just a childish curiosity to understand mistery why "adults" that seem to be in the know keep ooohhhing and ahhhing over something as if it is magical, nothing more than that is meant.

Thank you in advance!

11-14-2006, 03:17 AM
well, when you take a fantastic product that is worth three to four times its retail price based on in`t superior preformance, looks and durability off the us market because of VOC rules that make absolutly no sense in aiding the protection of the envoirnment takeing into account all the other volitile substances that are avalible at your local hardware stores, frankly it does a variety of things whic include but are not limited to the following

1) create high demand for such a product

2)makes people pissed off because the VOC nonsense costs major detailing and small detailing product companies alike a lot of money for it required them to reformulate their products to be "safe"

3) forces people who canty get anything to settle for somthing else. autopians do not settle for somthing less.

just m .02

11-14-2006, 03:42 AM
Then why some people say they don`t notice any difference in looks or durability when using # 16?

11-14-2006, 03:56 AM
some do, some dont. i can tell a clear difference between no 16 and no 26, in terms of its depth, how it beads, and its durability.

Andy M
11-14-2006, 04:17 AM
Hi folks,

I am pretty new on here but absolutely loving it, have gained so much info. I am in the UK so am ordering stuff you guys discuss from the US.

I am reading this thread and wondered if, as #16 is discontinued in the US, there would be any available over here so have had a quick look at some of the product suppliers and sure enough it is still in stock.

Would you like me to post a link to them or if you wanted I could buy it and mail it to you ?


11-14-2006, 04:19 AM
some do, some dont. i can tell a clear difference between no 16 and no 26, in terms of its depth, how it beads, and its durability.

Have you ever had a chance to compare # 16 against # 21?

11-14-2006, 05:23 AM
Two different types of product a wax and a sealant. Some people will not use waxes because of less durability. But #16 is one of the more durable waxes. #21 a sealant will outlast #16. Andrew you can PM me the link. I would like a couple of them.

Eliot Ness
11-14-2006, 09:17 AM
Then why some people say they don`t notice any difference in looks or durability when using # 16?It`s just like any other LSP that gets reviewed around here, not everyone has the same taste in LSP`s. Some people were turned off because they thought it was hard to use, but that was usually because they were applying it too thick. When it was still available here in the states it was a real bargain in terms of price, looks, and durability.

Some people are looking for it because they have used it in the past and want some more, others are looking for it because they have read about it and have seen pictures in Click & Brag, and there might be some that are drawn to it just because it was banned and they`d like to try some of the "forbidden fruit" :nixweiss .

While I don`t consider it my best looking carnauba, I do think it`s the best looking "long-lasting" carnauba that I have. And the nostalgia factor that this wax has been around, virtually unchanged, since the early 50`s earns it a place of honor on my shelf. I was just fortunate enough to have tried it long before the VOC regs came out and was able to snag a couple of extra tins while it was still being sold.

Andrew M also makes a good point that #16 is still being sold in the UK. With shipping I think it would cost about $30 for a new tin..... a lot cheaper than some are selling for on eBay. One UK source, cleanyourcar (http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/), is a member here so if anyone is looking he might be a good place to start.

Andy M
11-14-2006, 09:50 AM

As mentioned above, there is a link to one company selling #16 over here in the UK. I have pm`ed you guys that were interested and it also looks as though it is still available from Meguiars own on line shop here in UK. Meguiars.co.uk

If I can be of any help over here let me know.



11-14-2006, 11:32 AM
Too add what has been said #16 also has a tendency to give light colored cars (white/silver) a really nice glow. Thats why I stocked up it give my car a really nice glow and it can take a winter beating like a champ (here in SC) and it took south Florida summers with ease. And who can forget that smell of Crayons from the days of old lol....

11-14-2006, 12:45 PM
While I don`t consider it my best looking carnauba, I do think it`s the best looking "long-lasting" carnauba that I have. And the nostalgia factor that this wax has been around, virtually unchanged, since the early 50`s earns it a place of honor on my shelf...

Yeah, what he said :xyxthumbs

I`ll admit that the nostalgia factor *does* play into it a bit for me...I don`t mind some subjective benefits as long as the objective qualities are good to begin with (and yeah, it *is* a very good paste wax). Members of my family have been using it since the `50s and the smell of stuff like #16, #7, and #5 is a way-back machine for me. After all that time, those products are still (*IMO*) as good as it gets for some specific applications.

11-14-2006, 01:16 PM
Have you ever had a chance to compare # 16 against # 21?

honestly bro, im not much of a sealant person. Thus far i have only expierimented with Klasse and Zaino, so no, I have not.

I have heard good things about the MG sealants however, but money and time, plus an abundance of paste waxes and Klasse prevents me from finding the logic in spending more money on products that will sit on my shelvs. . . .

11-14-2006, 01:56 PM
So, to summarize it, it is, while not "magical", a very good wax that many people that used it before keep looking for because it is their personal preference, correct?

11-14-2006, 03:41 PM
Yep. Summary: it almost looks like P21S and it almost lasts like Collinite and it smells like crayons.

11-14-2006, 04:11 PM
Yep. Summary: it almost looks like P21S and it almost lasts like Collinite and it smells like crayons.

BINGO!!! :hifive: