View Full Version : Rejex

Darren F
11-13-2006, 07:03 PM
Has anyone used Rejex? Is there another product that works the same way as this claims to work?

11-13-2006, 07:20 PM
I have not used it personally, but I`ve read many reviews of it. It is supposed to have nice durability with a typical sealant appearance. It was formulated for airplanes, etc. and has no supporting products.

tom p.
11-13-2006, 08:06 PM
Darren, did you try the search function? There are ample threads discussing it.

a.k.a. Patrick
11-14-2006, 12:25 AM
Again, over hyped marketing may be its worse enemy. I was actually at a clients house this evening dropping some items off to help him maintain his Porsche, and he had amitted he had bought the Rejex. He says he uses it monthly, and enjoys doing so. I thanked him for having the desire to protect his nice car. (It actually looked sweet when I was approaching it).

I went on to explain that his new product isnt a miracle product. It provides protection in the way of sap, bird dung and dust resistance, and those are important factors for maintenance.

I kept stressing, its nothing spectacular, but its protection. And if its easy to use, and your going to use it, then its worth every penny.

I looked at the contents in the bottle and sampled it. A little on the petro smell side. He said his whole garage reaks of it when he`s using it on the Porsche and Rover. Nice consistency, creamy texture.

Its a keeper, but probably not any better then most of the other quality items mentioned with frequency here on Autopia......

11-14-2006, 10:13 AM
Last year there was a lot of decision on another forum about Rejex and comparing it to Zaino so I did two very unscientific test to test the durability. Put one coat of each on my hood of silver SUV after using a polish and doing an IPA wipe down here is what I observed. Rejex went from beading to sheeting just a few days before Zaino did - Zaino had little better durability but measured in days not months or weeks. The only really big difference between the two that I noticed is in the mornings when it rained the Rejex side would be mostly clear of water drops by the time I hit about 30 miles a hour and the Zaino would clear to the same level till I hit the highway and got up to speed. If you just felt the surface I couldn’t feel a difference between the two. There is a real strong solvent smell but I do understand it is VOC. I don’t use it on paint surfaces anymore because I like the looks of waxes better but I use on my rims and chrome and have not found anything that works better. The really disadvatatge is trying to keep it out the weather for 12 to 24 hours while it crosslink’s. :)

11-14-2006, 10:21 AM
Me too. I have it designated to chrome rims. Klasse and Jeff W products are products I like more.

11-14-2006, 11:12 AM
I have had Rejex last over 1year on a set of daily driven chrome wheels I put them on. I like the look of Rejex, really durable (probably the same durability as Zaino, but cheaper).