View Full Version : Exterior trim/mouldings

11-10-2006, 03:00 PM
I have 2 cars. One is brand new and the other is almost 5 years old. Although the 5YO has been extremely well maintained the exterior belt moldings have turned a shinny black color. The moldings used to look exactly like the ones on my brand new car, i.e., very dark, rubber looking, flat gray. I prefer the new looking moldings because, well, it looks new, not just "detailed". Is there any way to restore the look of these moldings? Also, is it possible to prevent this from happening on my brand new car?:nixweiss

11-10-2006, 11:30 PM
You can try Mothers Trim cleaner. It seems to not give a very glossy shine, and protects pretty well.

11-11-2006, 12:21 PM
mborner- Welcome to Autopia.

Though it might be bad news, something comes to mind: it could be that the wear/tear/"experiences" that the moldings have endured has "buffed" them the way that matte-finished leather can get "polished" by constant wear. It could be that there`s no way to regain the original finish. Might mean that you oughta take special pains to avoid effecting friction on the newer cars` moldings so they don`t get "polished" too.

11-13-2006, 10:11 AM
Thank you, both, for your input. Accumulator, you may be right. Too many Dawn washes plus wax build up on the moldings. Joshtpa, I`ll give that Mothers Trim Cleaner a try and see what happens. I just ordered some 303 Aerospace Protectant. Hopefuly, that will keep the moldings looking like new on my new car.

11-13-2006, 10:20 AM
I just learned my lesson also by taking the easy way out and not taping.

The trim that`s right above the door on my neighbor`s car was shiny rubber. When my buffing pads hit it, it not only left residue but scuffed it and gave it a texture.

Now I have to go search for these parts and hopefully it won`t cost too much

11-13-2006, 12:11 PM
i cringed when i saw the price of the 3m delicate surface painters tape. then i checked the price of a molding on a vehicle i detailed just to see how much it was.

bought 5 rolls of tape.