View Full Version : I just dont get any durability out of AJ.

11-09-2006, 09:17 AM
I have been using it on some customers cars for the past month (been on a sealant kick), and on my parents trucks. All of these autos are garaged daily and are washed once a week by me with Duragloss Car wash soap.

I cant even seem to get the beading to last a week. I put it on my mothers Infinity QX-56 over OP (i dont have prime and I know that it may increase durability a little), and the next week I washed it, it hardly beaded at all. The paint also felt really grabby and rough. It is so easy to apply, I was going to put it on my boat for the winter, but after only one week beading, I would be better off using OCW or AW.

What are yalls findings on durability?

11-09-2006, 10:12 AM
You should probably use it over Prime. I am getting several months out of it. On my brother`s Odyssey, for example, I applied Prime and AJ (single layer) in March and since then, he runs it through the local tunnel wash a couple times a month. No spray wax option either, he hates that stuff after it stained plastic trim on the Accord he used to have. Anyway, I was over at his house on Sunday when it rained and his van is still beading nicely. I am revisiting customers now who`ve had AJ on their cars for 4-6 months and it is still holding up. Trigger is going strong at the 5 month point on a customer`s truck that is parked outside 24/7 (his BMW gets the garage)...and it was applied without Prime or any polishing. AJ is the most consistantly durable sealant I have used.

11-09-2006, 11:03 AM
Kinda OT: Does AJ have the same feel on the paint as SG does? I ask because even with my limited Klasse experience I definitely notice that it feels different on the paint than anything I have used before.

11-09-2006, 11:14 AM
It seems to be good for about 3 months max for me.

11-09-2006, 12:36 PM
I got about 4 months from 1x of AJ, garage kept, HGAS or Z8 2x a month or so.

11-09-2006, 01:51 PM
AJ is slick as ****. You might need to clay. I also used Prime before hand. I had it on for at least 2 months before I tried something else, no sign at all of dimishing.

11-09-2006, 09:12 PM
I don`t go by beading, just slickness

Best results from AJ or AJ trigger are

Do all your machine polishing, then either alcohol wipe down to remove polish oils or use edge blue or white pad and buff prime acrylic on at 1000 rpm until it disappears

Then spray on jett with low absorbency MF towel, do final buff with monster fluffy.

Apply as many coats as you want

It`s the slickest sealant I know of.

If you finish polishing with menz 85RD or other and go straight to jett, it`s likely the oils in the polish will cause jett to not bond properly and just wash off

It`s like using Clearkote VM and then doing jett. you must use prime afterwards for AJ to bond.

Then the shampoo

I doubt duragloss is the best shampoo for it

My testing has found werkstatt`s own wash, prima mystique, 1Z Perls or Optimum work best

Spray prima slick, acrylic glos or mixture of both onto panel and then dry with WW towel and repeat on entire body.

My customer has 12 coats of it on his car and recently backed into something at 5 km/h and the paint didn`t get chipped or scratch.

Mine has six coats on it and looks amazing but I am about to strip back and do prima swirl, blackfire, VM and Prime and then Jett to take it to a higher level of shine.

As it can be used like a QD, keep piling on the coats of AJT.

11-10-2006, 04:23 PM
Prime Strong and AJ Trigger is now my product of choice. So far this combo has given the best look for my Satin Silver TSX. Now I`m really curious about the DG Aquawax. Reading all the good reviews from Autopians, ease of use and the fairly cheap price made me thinking about trying it out.

What do you guys think of topping AJT with Aquawax? Any bonding issues? Will it improve the look - wetness of the finish?


11-10-2006, 04:55 PM
i havent tested the durability as i can`t help from adding more and more layers but the main reason i use atj so often is ease of use and slickness. best finish for a sealant ive personally used.

11-10-2006, 05:06 PM
Like others have said, AJ is VERY slick. Not that artificial "oily" slickness you get from other products either, just a naturally slippery finish. In my limited experience with AJ, the durability seems to be pretty good, however it didn`t blow me away. My cousin used it on his car for 3 months, topped with CJ and AW and at the 3 month point beading was "ehh"(maybe the CJ and AW had something to do with it?), but the look and slickness were still very much there. I am doing some testing of my own, untopped on my fathers BMW, done 3 weeks ago. Only I wash it, and I will not top with any QD or spray wax untill it is dead. Until *I* get a solid idea of the durability from AJ, it won`t be going on any of my customers cars. All that aside, it is an awesome looking sealant, more of a wet and shiny look, as opposed to wet and glossy, IMO.