View Full Version : OCW vs AW

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11-08-2006, 09:40 PM
Ok, it seems that these two beloved products have causes quite a stir in Autopia, but I what some hard facts on which is the better product. OCW costs twice the price and even contain 5oz less per bottle.

Here is a response from David from OPT:

The Aquawax is a good product, however, it only lasts up to a month or a couple of car washes. About 10% of people using it claim that it lasts longer. Generally these people reapply the product or have several other products used in conjunction. On the other hand, Optimum Spray Wax is a true wax with Carnauba and UV protection and lasts 3-5 months and 20 car washes. About 90% of users attest to that while there is about 10% who have experienced less durability. You can test these side by side. As far as the cost, we are about the same in gallons in the US as they are. But also, you are getting a lot more for your money with Optimum Car Wax. Thank you.

11-09-2006, 06:39 AM
Optimum Spray Wax is a true wax with Carnauba and UV protection and lasts 3-5 months and 20 car washes. About 90% of users attest to that while there is about 10% who have experienced less durability. [/I]

3-5 months? I can only get that kind of durability with a sealant, now someone says a spray carnauba can last that long? Maybe he mean on cars garaged daily? Simple resolution to the issue, get both, compare and let is know. AW is $5.89 at my local Car Quest.

11-09-2006, 08:17 AM
I mean no disrespect, but with all the reading about OCW, I have NOT seen 90% say it lasts 3-5 months. More like 1-2 months at the outset. AND I have heard the opposite of AW where most, including myself, have been able to get 2 months - I have both and use them the same as I use all my other spray sealants like PB QD+, CG Blitz ect.

Agree with yakky, compare for yourself like I did, YMMV.

11-09-2006, 08:43 AM
Sorry, but David is snowballing AW. I think he got confused about his little write up there. Quite the opposite, in my testing, the AW is lasting 2+ months, whereas the OCW struggles to go 1 month. I`m calling complete BS on AW lasting a "couple of car washes." He is reaching if that is the best he can do in comparing the products. Maybe scared of a little competition or that AW is the better product? All I`m using is AW and it is lasting 2+ months on its own through multiple car washes, and being outside 24/7 exposed to all elements, which I`d say is harsher than washing anyway. When OCW was subjected to the exact same conditions, it couldn`t make it past 4 weeks for me, and the paint became very grabby when washing like there was nothing there, no barrier to protect from dirt/crud. OCW lost its tight beading after a couple washes, in comparison to AW which retains its tight beading for well over a month, and typically a lot longer. I demand more protection and durability than OCW was providing. Curious how he thinks I`m getting more for my money with OCW! Plus, I can drive down the street and pick up AW anytime at a much cheaper price...it`s a no brainer for me!

I still see OCW as a booster type product and AW as a LSP type product. If I can`t get more than a few weeks from it, it`s marginally stronger than a QD. Bottom line, try both yourself and find out which is right for you.

11-09-2006, 09:05 AM
I agree...the best bet is to try both..I did last winter...on my truck...and found the salt just killed OCW..the paint became grabby and beading just about died in 4 weeks of salt spray...the AW held up like it was just put on...

the paint rinsed clean on the AW sections with just rinse water..the OCW panel retained more grime and was grabby like when a wax dies off...

Don`t get me wrong..OCW is a good product..I use it on the motorcyles..but it does not hold up in winter conditions with salt...

AW has proven itself in salt to me and is my spray for winter....2 uses during winter brings into spring like new...the grime just slides off...and beads like a champ


11-09-2006, 09:47 AM
Let me add to the above. I may not have been clear on thie durability between both, but AW has lasted longer for me everytime I have compared them. To the point that now I will store OCW away until the summer (use it up then) and use AW exclusively. OCW is a great product, but on durability it pales to AW in my real world experience.

11-09-2006, 09:59 AM
I haven`t used OCW but it seems as if most are experiencing the downfall of a carnauba blend. Plain and simple-carnauba products trap dirt- even the best ones like Collinite. Synthetic polymer products do a better job of releasing dirt. From my real world testing Z8 and AW are great products with similar durability and both wash clean.

a.k.a. Patrick
11-09-2006, 10:04 AM
Your going to get twice the durability with OCW, and some have witnessed quite longer.

So assuming one uses AW, 1oz per application, say every 6 weeks, one could get 148 weeks of protection with AW for about $6.00. ($.04 per week in costs)

OCW, 1oz per application, every 12 weeks, one could get 204 weeks of protection for about $15.00. ($.07 a week in cost)

Were talking peanuts here folks, literally. I still say theres no way the AW will get ya 12 weeks, not in So Cal. And Im not bagging on any of the above products. There testing is presumably under ideal conditions. Well, 99% of us dont live like that. Both products ar great products. It all boils down to what one prefers, and what one habituates when it comes to detailing. My $.02 for this week.

11-09-2006, 10:06 AM
I haven`t used AW so I can`t comment on it but I regularly use OCW and I do get around 3 months durability with it, even when we get more rain than normal. We don`t get much industrial fallout here though.

Honestly, I prefer the look of a carnauba/sealant blend over a pure sealant look anyway because the depth is better which is why I like products like OCW and EX w/carnauba.

11-09-2006, 10:44 AM
Since they`re both spray on, wipe offs - OCW is a carnuba and DG AW is a polymer...

It`s pretty much agreed here in autopia that polymers are more durable and carnubas give more shine/pop.

So one has to wonder why this would be any different. A better comparison might be OCW vs. Quikshine or DG AW vs. AJT ?

I have used AW, but not OCW so I can`t comment based on personal experiance - but based on polymer vs carnuba, I`d have to think that AW would win. (no disrespect intended).

11-09-2006, 11:00 AM
umm I love OPT products, but that quote kind of turns me off, it`s obviously biased. 3-5 months out of a spray on Carnuba? Don`t get me wrong, OCW is high on my to try list but that`s a huge claim.

AW has performed nothing short of expected here in the great wet northwest. Plus its so cheap I just throw on another coat after every wash.

11-09-2006, 11:12 AM
I think product durability is subjective to geographical and environmental conditions...

some products may work great in Cal..Texas..AZ...where you have no real industrial fallout..salt..acid rain ect.

Up north in the industrial sections and various weather conditions..a product may not hold up as good as in other areas...

We had 43 days of rain here from mid May to mid July....which is acid rain...and does wear and tear on any product...

We have lots of Snow..and they salt here like crazy...the roads are white from salt...

So with those factors...OCW just did not hold up here...AW did...

Just like some parts of country cars doe not rust as bad...well here they do...due to the different enviorment and weather and fallout....


a.k.a. Patrick
11-09-2006, 11:45 AM
Dont foget, OCW also contains polymer protection. Its not a pure Nuba Spray..........

11-09-2006, 12:06 PM
Dont foget, OCW also contains polymer protection. Its not a pure Nuba Spray..........

Okay, but I`m still having trouble with the 4-5 month claim - aren`t we lucky to get 6 months from nearly any polymer sealant or wax or any combination LSP`s... and while I think of it, if we can get that kind of mileage and pop, why would we ever use anything else???

:hm ...maybe a spray on / wipe off every other wash or so is the way to go and to heck with the other stuff :bolt

11-09-2006, 12:30 PM
Okay, but I`m still having trouble with the 4-5 month claim - aren`t we lucky to get 6 months from nearly any polymer sealant or wax or any combination LSP`s... and while I think of it, if we can get that kind of mileage and pop, why would we ever use anything else???

:hm ...maybe a spray on / wipe off every other wash or so is the way to go and to heck with the other stuff :bolt

You said it in a nutshell. There are many great sealants that I use that claim 4-6 months and I do not get that without using a complimentary spray wax as a booster. If this is the case for OCW why bother with anything else? in `my` experience it falls far short of that mark with a month or bit more as the best it`s done. Also, there are other true carnuba based sealants and not spray waxes (like EXwC, M seal ect) with great a following that struggle to get that kind of durability (and I have used them extensively too).

I have not used AJ trigger but based on others on this board the 4-5 months is what it gives comfortabley and is highly praised/groundbraking for doing that in a spray form. It has no carnauba in it. So I dont understand the claims of a carnauba based (albeit with polymers) being able to last as long.