View Full Version : Hi there!

04-11-2005, 02:30 PM
Hello everyone. My friend (and business partner) told me about this site - and that I should check it out. Hope to learn a lot here...

So, here`s a little life history of me - I`ve just changed careers from technology to healthcare. Why? Because healthcare is a little more stable, and tech jobs kept on trying to move me to California. Given the choice.. umm... I`d rather stay in Hawaii. Yes, Hawaii.. born and raised here and now trying to live on a smaller income, and make ends meet here in paradise.

So, in my younger days, I used to wash and wax some cars for friends to make extra cash. About a hundred years ago (I`m going through my mid-life crisis right now.. ha) I sold the Wax Shop products to make some side money - before they started being sold in the stores. So now I`m trying to just make some extra cash, trying to learn a lot about new products and techniques since the last time I made money doing this decades ago (can you hear the old girl`s bones creaking already???).

I have another friend who does housecleaning for a business, and she has passed out the word to her clients that she knows of someone (me) that can detail cars. I did my first car this past weekend, and I must say it turned out pretty good - but I know I can do better. The client was happy. I was happy (I made some cash!) So this seems to be a pretty good choice so far. I also have a side business selling car stuff, and am going to try my hand at selling some products to the people that I detail cars for. Oh well, it might be too much for me to do all at once, but the excercise in detailing has to be good for my aging body. It beats sitting in my office all day long typing on a keyboard.

I hope I`m not rambling.. I`m just new to this and hope to learn and make new friends. I feel like I`m the old-fart here, trying to get into a young person`s world.. did I mention I was just told that I need bifocals??????? UGH

I think I`m rambling. So, oh well - nice to meet everyone. HI!!!!


04-11-2005, 02:38 PM

We sure do have a lot of DC peeps from the islands! :)

04-11-2005, 02:41 PM
There are a lot of people from Hawaii here? Thats neat! Suddenly, I don`t feel so alone!!

04-11-2005, 03:23 PM
There are a lot of people from Hawaii here? Thats neat! Suddenly, I don`t feel so alone!!

Yep! Three that I can think of really quick - HawaiinElement, ZestyMan, and Robman IIRC. There`s more than that, that`s just the three that I remember. In any case, it`s good to have you!

04-11-2005, 07:47 PM
Wow. thanks a bunch! It feels so nice here in DC...

04-12-2005, 06:24 AM
I was there for a long time...then I woke up, looked outside and saw snow!



04-12-2005, 11:49 AM
Hi Mikeyzr.. I saw snow.. once. I guess I live a sheltered life!

04-12-2005, 01:05 PM
check your pm.

04-12-2005, 01:27 PM
HI mgm.. I got your PM and I agree totally!
Thanks for the tips. DC is a cool place!!!!! Nice to meet you!!!