View Full Version : Black touareg paint?

10-30-2006, 09:52 AM
Is it as hard as the rest of the VW line?

It`s possible that I may soon detail a black touareg that has heavy dealer induced swirls.

Thanks for any tips!

10-30-2006, 11:15 AM
It should be hard as a rock. I did a Mercedes ML320 last week and have very big problems to take out buffer trails from a wool pad and PPG ceramic clear compound. Had to use a rotary and Menzerna PO85RD3.02(Intensive polish for SRC:s) and follow up with Menzerna PO85RE(Final finish)

Go for Menzerna or Blackfire SRC series.

But who did the buffer trails? The body shop? No, it was me testing a lot of compounds and wool pads.





Oops sorry for hi jacking youĂ‚´r thread but i find Mercedes and V.A.G paints to be similar. Just want to tell you how hard it was to eliminate the buffer trails, so would be even harder to take out the swirls.