View Full Version : I have a static problem

10-29-2006, 08:46 PM
Got my ONR yesterday, and did a wash with it, then followed up with my 5th coat of DG 105 in as many weeks. The only thing I did different this time with the DG was to use a foam applicator rather than a microfiber applicator.

This morning I went hunting and drove around on some gravel roads...I expect some dust from this, but I ended up with an exact image of my applicator strokes...in the picture it almost looks like it`s paste wax that has not yet been buffed off.

Any ideas on anything that will work to eliminate this? I did not follow up with any QD after the buffing, so that might have helped. Is something from the FK line in order here?

10-29-2006, 08:53 PM
woah, I`ve never seen that before, pretty cool. I`m guessing you are right, most QDs are advertised "static free", and since the QD would have gotten whatever trails were left from your aplicator pad, it should have worked.

Sorry I can`t help much, really interesting problem.

10-29-2006, 09:17 PM
From your hose you can run some free flowing water over the car to discharge the static energy that built up during the buffing of the wax.


10-29-2006, 09:23 PM
Is it just on that area? if so I`d be willing to bet that you simply misssed buffing that out, I`ve never seen anything like that before and it doesn`t make sense that it`s a static problem.

10-29-2006, 09:40 PM
It`s all over the entire truck. It get`s worse further down towards the bottom of the panels. I buffed off the DG very religiously with a plush MF, but it ended there. Normally I follow up with a quick QD spritz, but not this time.

I wish the pictures turned out better, because they do not show how glaring this was.

10-30-2006, 09:00 AM
How long did you leave the 105 on the paint, before buffing it off and what was the temperature outside at the time?

Did you make sure the 105 was being spread evenly with the foam app, and not in blotchy streaks?

10-30-2006, 12:31 PM
If all else fails FK1 has some QD products that supposedly act as an anti-static barrier. I have never used them, but others have and have seemed to have good results.

10-30-2006, 05:21 PM
If you happen to have any Duragloss 921 FC (Fast Clean & Shine), then give that a try. I live in an equestrian area and there`s always dust in the air from the horses and from trucks towing their horse trailers down the dirt roads to arenas, etc. Since I`ve started using 921 on my own personal cars, they`ve been staying noticibly cleaner for longer, which leads me to believe it has some anti-static properties to reduce dust attraction. It also adds to the gloss of the 105 TPP or the 951 Aquawax and it smells great too ;)

I first spray a folded damp MF with the 921 to prime it, then I lightly spray a `clean` dry panel with 921 and wipe it down with the damp/921 primed MF. Then I immediately follow that up with a clean dry MF, using as little pressure as possible to remove the 921 before it drys. It`s very quick and easy to remove and the surface looks that much more amazing and stays looking nicer for longer due to its anti-static properties.

I`m really liking the Duragloss 105 TPP, the 601 PBA, the 951 Aquawax, the 921 Fast Clean and their 901 car wash soap is one of the best soaps I`ve used.

10-30-2006, 05:54 PM
That is the strangest thing I ever seen.....it actually looks like the 105 was still there wet and dust stuck to it...I travel a dirt road daily from my house to the main road...and never had any dust stick like that...most times it just blows off...and I use 105..on red..so it would show up for sure...

very strange...was you application thin....and did you give it time to haze good....and what was the temps during application...the cooler the longer haze and setup time is...

Also wonder if 5 coats has any thing to do with it..Duragloss said 2-3 max for best perfornmance of the product...


10-30-2006, 06:49 PM
These suggestions about dry time and temperature started me thinking.

This coat was done in the coolest temps yet to date, and while I thought I gave it plenty of time to haze up well, it may have been too soon. It was about 56 degrees in my garage, and I gave it about 30 minutes before buffing out. Also, and this might be the biggest deal, I finished at about 7pm that night and I was out on gravel at 7:30 am the next day. This may not have even been close to enough time to let it cure out before subjecting it to this dirt. Maybe in the summer, but late fall might be a bad idea.

It was really surprising that it followed the the applicator patterns and not my buffing motions, which I would have assumed would be the static contributor. I guess the fact that it did follow the lsp applicator pattern suggests it was all had something to do with the curing/removal time of the DG itself.

Thanks all for the replies! It helps to have these educated opinions when I am just a beginner myself.