View Full Version : Do you have to clean your leather before you condition?

10-24-2006, 08:42 PM
If your leather is really clean most the time do you really need to clean it with Lexol cleaner before you condition it every time?

10-24-2006, 09:26 PM
I dont, but then again it depends on how ofte you condition. You body abd clothes are full of dirt and oils that get into the pores of the leather causing it to get dirty. When the pores are cloged they dont accept the condition well, or at all if bad enough. I would sugest you clean it once a month if possible. I try to clean mine once a month and conditon as often as posible. It depends, of course, on where you live and what you do with your time. But to anwser simply, no you do not need to clean everytime you condition

10-24-2006, 09:43 PM
No, you don`t have to

but if it is really that clean it should be quick and easy to clean!

10-25-2006, 12:26 AM
Using Lexol is like washing your car you have to soap up, scrub and wash. Everytime I do it, there is almost nothing on the cloth. While on the subject is there anyway to get rid of light cracks in a very well maintained 6 year old Camaro SS?

10-25-2006, 03:50 PM
I clean/condition the driver`s seat each time; clean the front passenger seat usually once every 3 times, and the back seat once a year. This is just based on how often someone is sitting in the seat -- of course the drivers seat gets used, my wife is my only sometimes front seat passenger, and the back seat is only getting used on rare ocasions.

10-26-2006, 08:35 AM
I did not wash the leather this time and only used conditioner and I was not happy with the results. It left it kinda greasy because it could not be fully abosrded, so I am going back to the full process.

10-26-2006, 08:50 AM
Using Lexol is like washing your car you have to soap up, scrub and wash. Everytime I do it, there is almost nothing on the cloth. While on the subject is there anyway to get rid of light cracks in a very well maintained 6 year old Camaro SS?


10-26-2006, 09:24 AM
I have been really enjoying this Pinnacle one step leather cleaner/conditioner.

10-26-2006, 09:31 AM
I use leather masters products, I have a long history with them on car leather, furniture, rv`s, boats, ect ect

I usually do:

Strong cleaner on heavily soiled areas,

Soft cleaner on the whole seat,

Wait for it to dry about 40 min with air movement.

Leather vital x2 (leather masters conditioner)

waiting for it to dry between each layer, 30-40 min.

Leather masters protection cream x1

On a side note i have finally found an applicator i like for doing this. Props to sonus...

David Fermani
10-26-2006, 09:33 PM
Caring for leather is similar to caring for paint. It`s best when waxing to clay 1st, otherwise you seal in all the dirt/contamination in the wax job. Even if your paint looks and feels clean, you`d be surprised what`s on it. Leather isn`t exposed to as much elements as paint, but it absorbs dirt and needs to be cleaned(lightly) even if it looks clean. I think it`s worse to seal dirt into leather than paint. It might cause premature wear? For the time it takes to clean it, it`s the best piece of mind.

10-27-2006, 12:24 AM
Lexol cleaner never took much off, in my experience. I like to clean with Woolite and water and a small nail brush, I find it gets the leather a lot cleaner than Lexol. Follow with the conditioner of your choice, I never much cared for Lexol in that department either, currently I use Chemical Guys.

10-27-2006, 12:39 AM
I clean the leather with Lexol cleaner every time before I condition it. The cleaner is pretty mild, so I can`t see it reducing the life of the leather. As David F. said, even though it looks clean, it`s likely not. Especially if dirt gets into the thread, it will eventually wear through and break it. I haven`t noticed and ill effects doing it this way.