View Full Version : Need some product advise

10-22-2006, 02:28 PM

I want to give you a bit of background, I use zaino on my new 06 mustang, the color is vista blue- a medium/dark metallic blue. I apply all products by hand for now.

The car has very slight scrathes and 2 small quarter sized spider`s on the hood, The scrathes marring are only visible in daylight or florecents, I am pretty sure its not my washing/waxing technique rather the detailer at ford?

I order some p21s, because I have heard good things about the product. I also want to hide the swirls, I am not really skilled with a bufffer- to remove the defects, and I am sure over the winter I will get some more defects anyway. So I will take it to a pro in the spring to remove the defects.

My question is is the P21S a good choice? does the cleaner help hide defect, swirls and such like I have?, I have heard there Carnuba is great, is that true.

I am no stranger to sealents, but is Klasse a better choice? How do you remove an acrylic off your paint?

What do you gus recommend by hand that will conceal the scrathes, clear coat safe and produce a wonderful shine, with wetness and depth. I am not overly concerned with how long the products last, I love to wax my cars at least 1 time a month. Also I have pretty mild winters in the south east, so I can get out there and apply pretty much anytime.

I order last night(saturday) I am assuming if I get an email out soon I can change order, HELP ME out guys!! Thanks in advance.


10-22-2006, 03:55 PM
- Instead of p21, check out S100 for some marketing magic.

- Klasse is not better than Zaino, but I haven`t used Zaino (yet :).

- Duragloss has a product for wax/sealant removal - I`m sure there are others besides time, weather and washes.

- You might try Meg`s SratchX or look for an LSP that makes that claim. However, the best way is to polish them out rather than try and hide them...cause if you hide them, they always come back.