View Full Version : Griot`s VS TOL`s Tire dressing applicator(Scottwax?)

10-22-2006, 02:48 AM
I`ll be picking up either this one from TOL http://www.topoftheline.com/tire-dressing-applicator.html or this one from Griot`s http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?L1=L1_1000&L2=L2_1002&SKU=50557

Anyone have any experience with either of these? I know Scottwax uses one of them, care to shed some light on which one?

Setec Astronomy
10-22-2006, 09:20 AM
Not to speak for Scott, but he uses the one from Griot`s, although he didn`t buy his from there: http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67138&highlight=applicator. Not that this helps you, I bought the one from TOL but I haven`t used it yet. IIRC when I priced it out there wasn`t a huge diff in pricing, but the TOL device has the scrubber pad available as well as the applicator pad.

10-22-2006, 09:37 AM
Not that this helps you, I bought the one from TOL but I haven`t used it yet.

Let me know when you get a chance to use it, might help me with my decision :)

10-22-2006, 11:45 AM
gbackus- Man do I owe you a debt of thanks! As often as I hit up TOL I never spotted that applicator! I need some replacement pads for mine and now I know where to get them.

Griot`s used to sell the TOL one, I got one before they switched to the new red one and I *LOVE* mine. The knob rotates on that one (ScottWax says it doesn`t on the new Griot`s red one) and IMO that`s quite significant. Every time I use it I note how smoothly it goes, with the knob rotating as I go around the tire (hey, I`m easily amused ;) ). I used to hate dressing tires but not any more, it`s actually made a difference in how often I do it.

This is an absolute recommendation for the TOL one, in case you hadn`t noticed :D

Setec Astronomy
10-25-2006, 05:20 PM
Thanks Accumulator, I forgot to mention the rotating knob difference! I think that was also a factor in my decision (as well as looking at the initial/repeat pad costs), but it`s been so long I forget. I have been using a lot of different dressings this year, and so have just been using swipes, and once in a while I come across the TOL applicator in the drawer (bought it over the winter) and say "I gotta get to use this thing!"; looks like I`ll be pleased when I do.

10-26-2006, 11:30 AM
I have been .. just been using swipes, and once in a while I come across the TOL applicator in the drawer (bought it over the winter) and say "I gotta get to use this thing!"...

LOL, I was the same way, I initially bought it when it was on sale and never used it :o But once I did I was hooked. I`ve used some of my E1 swipes a few times since than and *oh, man* were they lousy compared to the swiveling applicator!