View Full Version : New ex from PB vs NXT

04-08-2005, 11:07 PM
Anybody try a comparison yet? whats better for slickness and durability just wondering what to order. And is PB ex ready for ordering yet? and what the official name for it.....is it PB ex-p+?????

John Styrnol
04-09-2005, 12:17 AM
The name is the same for both EX and EX-P. I like both over NXT. I have not tried EX-P yet, but I`ve used EX before and it will last longer than NXT. NXT is a nice OTC product, but I believe EX or EX-P are way better.

04-11-2005, 09:14 AM
You`re wanting a comaprison between EX-P (new formulation) and NXT?? I`ll give you my quicky:

NXT is thinner and a little easier to apply.
Both remove very easy.
NXT has a warming/darkening effect to it`s final look.
EX-P has a shiny/clear effect to it`s final look.
EX-P is slicker and bugs don`t stick to the paint as bad as with NXT.

I know that`s quick, but hopefully it`s what you wanted. :)

04-11-2005, 03:45 PM
one more -

none of the gawd aweful smell of NXT with EX-P :)

04-12-2005, 12:44 AM
thank guys...anymore want to ring in on this one?

04-12-2005, 05:18 AM
I haven`t used the new EX yet. However, I don`t think it is much different than the old EX..... at least when it comes to looks and performance. That said, EX and NXT both leave a very similar look... a slight darkening of the finish, with the NXT looking a bit more "sealant like". I don`t think you would go wrong with either one, as they are both good products.